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  1. Colorqueen

    Need to see photos -new Fluidlines & L/S on skin -Rebel

    I am trying to make my mind up about ordering from the new rebel rock and skinfinish collections that are being released this week. I will have to call in the order before I go on vacation, so I want to know what to eliminate. I saw the photos from risa that compared the skinfinishes and I...
  2. Colorqueen

    Goldbit vs Deckchair

    Are Goldbit and Deckchair similar? I have Deckchair, do I need Goldbit?
  3. Colorqueen

    HELP! Ordering MAC today, what do I have to have from Belle

    I LOVE pigments and usually do not like most of MAC shadows except Parrot, Hepcat, and Aquadisiac. Most of the others do not stay on well for me. The Velux pearl form. is also pretty good for me. I have Chartreuse pigment- do I need Lucky Green? I have Hepcat, do I need Leisuretime? Is...
  4. Colorqueen

    Mono Challenge- What I looked like when the UPS man arrived

    Well, today I was inspired to try to meet the mono challenge. I got all done up with blue and was going to take photos when who should pull up but the UPS MAN!!!!! Talk about embarrassing. And then I realized it was June 1st. DUH The challenge was not even sticky anymore!!! Well, here is...
  5. Colorqueen

    I Like to be a Chameleon. Few LOTD photo collections 4 fun

    This is my first time posting photos here, but I thought I would give it a shot. Here are some recent FOTD/LOTD that I posted on MUA. I tend to like to do a complete remake of myself so I look different. This next one was an...