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  1. natasha

    panda eyes - fall 08

    well girls i love doing this...before summer finshes i always check on fall the next big thing on pre-fall 08 for the makeup will be panda eyes..enjoy here's a link of beautiful misschievious i think its almost the same...
  2. natasha

    my nude lips...

    well the other day i was so in the mood of buying some i tried the nude look...well the nude lips..hehe!. i used some makeup to make it last more.. M·A·C Tanarama l/s M·A·C C-thru l/g
  3. natasha


    im sooooo excited.. the mac store in my area announced -25% discount... sooo before i visit it and spend some thousand euros( im kidding) i really have to make a shopping list.... pls take a look at these pics and tell me what colours and shades would really suit me...
  4. natasha

    just me...!

    products used... Bourjois Volume Clubbing Mascara Mac Eyepencil no foundation at all...oops! my blush doesnt apperat all.. Mac Bronze mixed with a golddish stick blush last my nude lipgloss... hope u enjoy....
  5. natasha

    all i need is my lipgloss...

    ok so i thought i should post some pics... i have only used my favourite for this season mascara is from Bourjois the Volume Clubbing Mascara and a fuschia lipgloss bought from Zara...
  6. natasha

    My first pic (dont be mean plsssss....)

    hey girls..this is my first attempt to post a pic of myself here..well i always enjoyed seeing ur fotds and tuts.. anyway thats me..lets say that in the first two pics u can see my make up but the third is without.. Face i used Avene moisturizer SFP 40 and another for my acne in T-zone...
  7. natasha

    im so pissed off.....pls read this!!!

    ok so i have to let everyone know abut this! i live in greece its a european country! although we have only 11 MAC stores in this country... anyway i had never purchased mac cosmetics before but i always wanted to.. the main reason for not doing it was money!!! sooo this thursday i entered a...
  8. natasha

    ~~~best stickiest lipgloss~~~

    well ive tried many lipglosses..but ive never found one that stick for many hours..i know i expect much from a l/g but i luv them..i think dior lipglosses are the glossiest and stickiest so far.. what do u think?????
  9. natasha

    starting my own $MAC$ case...

    hey hunnies...well sales have just began and yesterday i saw that mac stores have 20% ready to spend a fortune for my lovely goodies...well i have to confess that i dont owe any mac products... im sooooo sorry for saying that..pls forgive me... i need some help so i could invest in...
  10. natasha

    newbie ----->needs desperately help!!!

    hey girls......well as i wrote im a newbie i try to be creative but i lack in experience...well ill be quick... i want to know if liquid e/s stay more than the normal ones? then im looking for a sticky lipgloss i want a super sticky i luv them i like mac's l/s but i was wondering if there is...
  11. natasha


    hey all make-up dolls..........well i was wondering if u girls could help me deal with that....i was searching for legendary make up secrets... and once i read that vaseline can make ur eyelashes look moisturised and kinda shiny... well does any of u use vaseline for any other reason.......? and...
  12. natasha


    hey girls just returned from shopping..well i bought from sephora a heated eyelash curler an 60pairs of individual eyelashes.. well im new soo i need some help...:confused: -is it a good idea the curler does any of u owe one ro i spent purposedly my money? -well for the eyelashes i have to put...
  13. natasha

    emergency!perfect outfit pls...

    well i as wondering if u could help me...well i got a a cafe il ldo i have to look love to tell me the best outfit! ps!im 18 not yet on wednesday!...thnx
  14. natasha

    long-lasted cosmetics...

    hey hunnies well i found a job in a cafe..ill do pr there so my make up have to last for more than 5hours..well can u suggest me from ur personal experience cosmetics (eyeliners or lipsticks or lipgloss) taht r reaslly durable.................pleeaaassseeeeeeeeeeee
  15. natasha

    fake eyelashes

    hey hunnies...well i want ur opinion i found in sephora fake eyelashes.. and i was wondering is it better to buy eyelashes or parts of it i hope u got me..well i was thinknig that parts of lashes would be better cause id put them only on the outer part of my eye...
  16. natasha

    need help-mac present

    hey hunnies..ill be sis had her birthday..well she turned 20...well recently we became specktra-addicted and of course mac-addicted!!!!!sooo im thinking of buying her some cosmetics from mac...dont know what!well dont have much $$$$ i want sth less than 100$or if possible under 60$...
  17. natasha

    well girls im really ma and sad...

    well ive been lurking arund net searching for must-haves products that ill def have to buy soon when i realise that all of u that live in usa or canada or luckier than me..and i mean it..well i llive in greece and seriously we dont have COSMETICS...oh my god..well we have sephora or bodyshop but...
  18. natasha

    need ur help girlsss..

    i have a question that demands ur opinions..well i have brown-hazel eyes and light brown hair but i dont know what shades suit me best... i dont like blue or green cause ive tried them and they dont fit me.. can u help me????????plssss......
  19. natasha

    just tell me this...

    hey girlssss..well ive got brown eyes... i want to buy new macs and i was wondering which eyes shadows i mean which colours suit me
  20. natasha

    hey girlsss...

    well all of u r doing fabulous make shocked ..but im a newbie ...i have to confess that i have few cosmetics..well i really need ur help...if some of u want to be my mentor/tutor/teacher id be grateful... i think a pretty face and im sure that if use the right cosmetics everyone will be...