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  1. vintaged.lust

    2 EOTDs - first time

    Criticism more than welcome...and any advice for my eyebrows would be geatly appreciated. ^^Origins Eye Stick in Ice Blue, Softwash Grey pigment, Sattelite Dreams, Electra, Kitschmas, and Shroom ^^Melon, Pinked Mauve, Cornflower, RR Blue, Rule, Fuschia, Banshee, Pink Venus, Goldmine, and...
  2. vintaged.lust

    Baby weight?

    It seems my body has kind of gone to hell, especially my stomach and to a certain degree my inner thighs. Are there any exercises any of you have found particularly helpful? Thanks!!
  3. vintaged.lust

    Depotting Quads?

    What do you think the best way to do this is? I use the hair straightener method shown in the Tutorial section for my single pot eyeshadows but that doesn't seem like it would work with a quad. TIA!!
  4. vintaged.lust

    MSF rec?

    I'm an NC25 (20 during winter and 30 during summer) with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I've been using Shimpagne as a highligher. Are there any other ones that would be better suited for me? For some reason it doesn't show up well on me. Maybe I'm applying it "incorrectly"? Also would one of...
  5. vintaged.lust

    Blue e/s for a NC20-30

    I decided to build my collection color by color and have arrived at the blues. I have a few ideas of what I want to buy (Freshwater and Moons Reflection) but have not really worn blue e/s so I have no other ideas. Usually I buy 5 or 6 of them to begin with. For reference I'm an NC20 usually but...