Search results

  1. xandiex

    Pro Product Pure White Paint Stick - is it DC'd? Any similar products???

    Hi ladies and gents! Due to lack of money this year to go all out in costume for Halloween, a group of friends and I have decided to do zombie and/or undead makeup and hit up a movie. I found a youtube video based on an old MAC Face Chart that was listed years ago for Halloween called...
  2. xandiex

    Foundation that will last through sun and humidity???

    I'm an avid Studio Fix fan, however, I have a dilemma. Seeing as I have an extensive collection of MAC, a good friend who's wedding I am a part of, asked me to do her makeup as well as all of the other bridesmaids. Problem? We are in South Florida, and it is an afternoon beach wedding. *cue...
  3. xandiex

    Old theme...RETRO!

    I really wanted to do the retro theme, so I tackled it this weekend and alas....there's already a new theme up. So here's my attempt....wasn't sure whether or not it should go in the theme post or not, since it's late. P.S. Don't ask how I did the rolls...I played for an hour and when they...
  4. xandiex


    Hello there, after being a longtime lurker of Specktra's site, I finally decided it is time to join the forums. I have a growing collection of MAC, and always looking for more information on products, LE items, and new collections coming out. Some of you may recognize me from the mac_cosmetics...