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  1. patelh9

    Reccs on MAC e/s to go with this outfit

    Looking for a lid colour, and a crease colour 2 pics:
  2. patelh9

    Reccs on a NARS Blush for my colouring...
  3. patelh9

    Reccs on a NARS Blush for my colouring...

    Pic on profile
  4. patelh9

    When ever i apply concealor, it always leaves a whitish/greyish tint...

    What could be the reason for this? I have been matched many times by Mac MA's.
  5. patelh9

    Twinks Eyeshadow on Lids?

    Hey, I'm a single eyeshadow kinda gal, and it was wondering if it would be appropriate to apply Twinks Eyeshadow on the entire lid, as oppose to using it in the crease. tia. Photo:
  6. patelh9

    Recc on MAC Blush for NW35 I already have Blushbaby, but it doesn't show up much
  7. patelh9

    What MAC eyeshadows go well with Woodwinked?

    Preferably a neutral shade. I really like the Veluxe Pearl Finish Antiqued maybe?