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  1. Altair

    How to sanitize a paint pot?

    Okay, so I was watching my three year old cousin at my Nana's house today, and she was bored stiff. So I hauled out my makeup and showed her everything, and before I know it, she stuck her fingers in my Delft paintpot. Now, I use my fingers in there, but I know where they've been. How can I...
  2. Altair

    Green/gold fotd

    Hi, all! This is my first fotd, and I'm pretty new to makeup, so please excuse any crappy you might see. I would love any and all constructive criticism, especially along the lines of how I can get my color to be brighter. I did this look for a Halloween party I'm going to, but it's looking...
  3. Altair

    New to the forums

    Hi there! I'm Meg, and I've been lurking around for a week or so. I'm pretty new to makeup, and you are all a source of inspiration for me. Looking forward to talking with you! -Meg