Search results

  1. SouthernGirl

    Bought 1/2 Tsp Samples That Are 1/4 Tsp! I Got CHEATED!!

    Recently (last week) I purchased some samples from someone name iamgrape1119. here is her blog - Tao's Makeup i hope that someone else saw her sale last week on her blog where she was selling "1/2 tsp" pigment samples because i tried to go back to the sale page today and it has been deleted...
  2. SouthernGirl

    Are any of these glitters from Ebay real? JEWELMARINE & SILVER! HELP!!

    hi everyone. thanks for any help in advance. i have three glitters here - one or none may be authentic mac. please help determine if any or one of these is authentic!! i think one of these jars may be authentic, but not sure. all from ebay, of course. two of them are supposedly jewelmarine...
  3. SouthernGirl

    Lof of FAKE items from Ebay? HELP!

    hi to everyone here. this is my first post here so i a feeling a little timid, like a mouse around lionesses so to speak, lol. but i have been lurking on this forum for a little while gleaning some of the great knowledge here. i need help in verifying that a lot of supossed MAC items i bought...