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  1. lindseylouike

    Paints being discontinued?

    Someone on the MUA board said that all paints were going to be discontinued because they're coming out with paint pots--has anyone heard whether this is true?
  2. lindseylouike

    Paints for a natural wash?

    Someone is CPing me 2 paints. I definitely want Bare Canvas, and I already have Base Light, Magrittes, and Shimma. I have cool-toned light skin, hazel eyes, and dark hair--I'm looking to use my paints as a light, natural wash on the days when I'm too busy to do my whole eye--NOT as a base for my...
  3. lindseylouike


    I have someone who is going to CP me some eyeshadows, but I've got a lot of the ones that I know work well with my coloring (Pale skin, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, look best in cool tones). I'm not big on bronzey looks, and I like to keep things looking natural. Here's what I already have...
  4. lindseylouike

    Prices at freestanding store?

    I'm planning a trip to the closest MAC freestanding store, so in order to budget correctly, I'm wondering the prices on a few things: - 15 pan palette - Pro pan e/s--are they cheaper than in a pot?
  5. lindseylouike

    MAC holiday prices & availability

    I've never bought any of the MAC holiday palettes, and I'm wondering how much the eye palettes are usually (or if you know this year's prices), and if they usually sell out or if they're pretty easy to find before Christmas. I really want one, but I just splurged on a Sephora order to get the...