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  1. nadia

    may not be in the right place, but

    does anyone have the link to the photo tips that misschievous posted? i can't find it. thanks!
  2. nadia

    false lashes->most natural looking?

    do you think it makes a difference what brand they are? i see a lot of people using mac #7, but also some that use d/s brands. is it mostly technique? i got a generic d/s variety, but the lashes just dont look natural...theyre too dense so to speak. i tried thinning them out a little, but it...
  3. nadia

    trying to pick some e/s, any suggestions please?

    here i am: i tried the "free to be" palette, but it just looked kinda grey on me. i want some neutrals that i can wear to work but still look pretty and colorful...i usually go with plums, browns, etc. any thoughts?
  4. nadia

    mac pigment virgin

    i just got my first set of pigments and i wanted to know how to use them properly. (i tried searching but nothing specific came up.) how should they be used on nails, lips, face etc. thanks!
  5. nadia

    where do you get plain metal containers for depotted e/s?

    ive tried the container store and ulta but no luck! TIA.