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  1. Msritajanay

    MAC Face and Body

    I have a very large bridal party coming up and need help!!! Another artist told me to get a lighter shade and a darker shade of the MAC Face and Body foundation and mix to match each persons skin color. Most of my bridal clientele is African american so what shades would be best? Would I need to...
  2. Msritajanay

    Should I call back?

    Wow! Its been forever since ive posted anything here lol Anywho, ive been talking via email with a very well known makeup artist in my town and we were supposed to schedule a meeting to talk about the makeup industry and possibly schedule a time that i could shadow her. Well amazingly i saw her...
  3. Msritajanay

    Bridal Consultation

    Okay soooo what does a bridal consultation include??? Ive been asked for one recently and I dont know what to do!! I have never done bridal makeup before, but I would definitely like to get into it!
  4. Msritajanay

    No longer TFP, now what?? PLEASE HELP!!

    Okay so for the past week I have been working with a local model agency, doing models makeup. I did two girls makeup today for a shoot and the CEO of the agency asked me how much will I start charging to do a full face. I dont know if this means that she will pay me, or the models...
  5. Msritajanay

    Liquid Eyeliner on others....????

    Could someone PLEASE tell me the most safe ways to put liquid eyeliner on other people without spreading bacteria??
  6. Msritajanay

    Maybe working on a set (HELLLLPPP!!!)

    okay so i got this offer to help out an old friend who is a photographer. She needs someone to do the models makeup....I REALLY want to help but i have never done makeup for an actual photoshoot. so i have some questions cause i need your help!!! 1. Is there a big difference between doing makeup...
  7. Msritajanay

    My first FOTD...I need your feedback

    Hello dolls, this is my very first time posting a picture on specktra and I want to know what you HONESTLY think!! So click the pictures and Enjoy! What i used Eyes: Mac Gold Coastal Scents 88 palette Mac powerpoint pencil in Engraved Random brand liquid liner ELF quad shadow (forget which one)
  8. Msritajanay

    SUPER newbie with many industry ??'s

    I have so many questions about working as a makeup artist and im not sure who exactly to ask! PLEASE HELP ME!!! These arent all of my questions, but just the ones i can think of right now 1. Are there certain brands that a person should use as a makeup artist? Do they all need to be high end...