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  1. vanillafrostin4

    3 eotd's in 9 pictures

    finally now that this semester is over with i actually have time to do my makeup! these are from this past week. click for bigger pics, and enjoy! (oh all products are mac unless otherwise noted) p.s. my eyebrows are hideous in the first 2. please ignore them! i think the colors are a little...
  2. vanillafrostin4

    4 for the price of 1! (pic heavy!)

    first off... i just need to show someone(s) (who actually care) my small haul! i'm so proud, my collection is growing! click for bigger pics! l-r: club, contrast, beauty marked, goldmine, coppering, pompous blue (obsessed!!!!), waternymph ok... on with the show... ok this one i wore...
  3. vanillafrostin4

    i'm such a copycat

    ok so i did these last week and haven't gotten around to posting them... but since i did them 2 other people have posted almost the exact same ones (sorry i can't remember who you are!!! but they were both great if you read this please let me know so i can give you credit where its due!)...
  4. vanillafrostin4


    they aren't too exciting... aaaand i did them last week so i'll try and remember what i used the best i can... ooook... #1... this is prolly my least favorite but, i'm pretty sure i used... MAC Satin Taupe in crease MAC Woodwinked on entire lid Clinique Like Mink on brow Clinique Dark...
  5. vanillafrostin4

    a newbie's eotd

    Hi all! I've been lurking for a while and have finally decided to post... It's not that great but I figured it's as good as any to start with. Tips to improve would be greatly appreciated!! ok so im new to MAC and don't have a lot of stuff... yet. but for this i used: Beige-ing s/s Steamy...