Well-known member
Hey everyone!
Use this space to report any issues you're having. PLEASE do not send a PM to staff as this thread is being monitored by all of us AND the developer working on the site conversion.
Please take time to fully describe your issue as well as post what browser you're using.
We want to hear your feedback too! If you don't have a technical issue but want to tell us how much you hate the color of the text on the site or if you have a suggestion for an improvement please also share that here!
Remember to use this space so that it can be seen by both Specktra staff AND our site dev.

Please take time to fully describe your issue as well as post what browser you're using.
We want to hear your feedback too! If you don't have a technical issue but want to tell us how much you hate the color of the text on the site or if you have a suggestion for an improvement please also share that here!
Remember to use this space so that it can be seen by both Specktra staff AND our site dev.