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***1920s flapper vintage makeup: Beauty through the Ages***


Well-known member
YouTube - 1920s flapper makeup: Beauty through the Ages

The next installment of my series! I was really looking forward to this look, been planning to do this for a while. Here's my 1920s flapper makeup tutorial, hope you enjoy and CC welcome.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xtina007
You are from Switzerland but you don't have an accent? I dont get it!

I'm Canadian and Swiss. I grew up and lived in Canada for a long time, that's why.


Well-known member
You're so talented, you did a great job and I love this look!!! (I can't wait to see other videos from "Beauty through the Ages"


Well-known member
can i just say that u are my absolute favorite on youtube!!

ur so damn pretty, like, porcelain doll pretty.


Well-known member
You should be the next contestant on Blush!

You know everything those people were challenged on. YOU WOULD WIN FOR SURE!


Well-known member
^ Haha!

I've not even seen the show but a few people have said that to me? I really wanna see it and see what it's all about!



Well-known member
WOW! Amazin'!! Your skin is perfection! Have you done a video on your skin care regimen? If not you really should.

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