Retro Housewife 1970s Beauty and Cosmetics. for pictures
How to Apply 1970s Makeup | but edited slightly by me to rec mac specific products
1970s Daytime Makeup
Step 1 - One of the proponents of 1970s girl power . Begin with clean skin and prep n prime. For foundation, use a very light formula, such as mineralize loos, satinfinish or select tint. You want your skin tone to appear even, but as though you aren't wearing any makeup so buff well with 187. Make sure you cover any discoloration in your eye area since you aren't using a separate product for this purpose.
Step 2 Keep eyebrows natural. Don't worry about hairs being too long. Simply brush them back with a disposable mascara wand and stroke on clear brow gel to keep them neat over the course of the day.
Step 3 - Apply clear brow gel mascara or fibre rich mascara in dark brown or soft black, depending on your natural coloring. Your goal is to ever so lightly define your eyes, but not make them stand out. You can coat only your top lashes, or include your bottom ones as well, as long as you keep the application so light as to be mistaken for natural. Rim your inner lower lash lines with fascinating eye pencil. This was a fashionable 1970s makeup trend.
step 4
Use 150/187 brush to apply golden / refined golden bronzer on your cheekbones, the sides of your nose, just under your chin, jawline and hairline. Blend away any hard or definite edges with 182 so that you appear to have just walked in from playing in the sun. Select your bronzer's degree of darkness based on your natural coloring. Around two notches darker than your skin tone is ideal to maintain a natural look. Finish off by rubbing on a lip conditioner the color of your lips.
1970s Evening Makeup
Step 1 Pick three highly pigmented shadows for eyes in exotic and bold colors: one very light and shimmery, the other medium-toned and the last the darkest. They can be all different tones of the same shade, such as baby blue (moons reflection), blue-gray(scene) and navy(contrast, nehru), or entirely different colors that work together well. prime eyelids.
From lash line to crease, apply a pearlescent medium shade. On your crease and the outer edges of your upper eyelid, apply the darkest. On browbones and inner corners of eyes, smooth on the lightest. Blend edges of the colors together to fade any hard lines with 224.
Step 2 Lengthen and thicken eyelashes with fibre rich mascara created for that purpose. You may even wear false eyelashes that are long and fine, like an exaggerated version of natural lashes (#4, 21), as compared to the overly spiky ones in the 1960s (number 6 or 7). As with day makeup, run Fascinating eye pencil along inner rims of lower lashes.
Rub a CCB or cremeblush into the apples of your cheeks. Pick a tone that is an exaggerated version of your natural blush, like a vibrant peach (fancy ray) or raspberry stain(maybe lilicent). Blend well so that the color has no definite edges, but you appear extra flushed, almost as though you have a fever(Ive kept that in there, LOL). If you wish, rub some shimmery highlighter on the tops of your cheekbones as well (improper copper CCB or tint).
step 4
Skip lip liner and apply a glossy lipstick containing the same primary tone as your blush (VGVI) Remember, deep vibrant jewel tones are tantamount to getting that 70s disco look (Sweetie lipstick). You may apply clearglass on top for higher shine wattage.
Apart from that, think Neo Sci looks... and dig out the mac trends from SS08 update book.. Look at Raquel Welsch pics too...