200 lb of heavenly joy- or so he sang...


Well-known member
ok... so I went to the Tom Jones/Tower of Power concert last night. I am 24. Never in my life have I been so drawn to a 64 y/o man gyrating. hes not an attractive man by any means, but he exudes this sexuality that is so hard to resist... lol

My uncle told me to remember to bring undies to throw on stage...I told him... from where I'm sitting, I'd have to attach a note that says 'keep throwing'

anyway- if anyone gets the chance for tickets to this concert- its one of the best (most fun) that Ive been to in a while. He's been doin it for years, so he really knows how to make the ladies swoon... truly worth what I spent on it...

It was the coolest thing to hear my favorite songs of him in person... although he didnt sing my ULTIMATE fav of his... I did hear some new favs in the making...
Theres nothing quite like hearing You can leave your hat on... in person.


Well-known member
glad you had such a great time!
me, dh & our son would also enjoy seeing him in concert.
