221 brush vs 222?


Well-known member
I bought a 221 brush at my CCO a little while back. I was actually looking for a 222 at the time but they didn't have it and suggested the 221 instead. The 221 is not on the MAC site these days so I guess they don't make it anymore or it was LE? Can anyone who's familiar with both brushes tell me the difference between the 221 and the 222? How do these compare to the 223 that's out now with the Icon collection?


Well-known member
kinda thought if it was real (which i kinda think it is) then i knew it had to be an old school one...the 222 looks like it would work better.But hey I cant say much untill i actually use the darn thing myself.


Well-known member
Do you notice the slight bend in the brush or is that just me? haha

Anywayz, I think it looks a lot like the new Icon 223 brush, but with diff. colored bristles... so maybe they're trying to bring it back in some form... or am I seeing things again? LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bAbY_cHiCkEn01
Do you notice the slight bend in the brush or is that just me? haha

Anywayz, I think it looks a lot like the new Icon 223 brush, but with diff. colored bristles... so maybe they're trying to bring it back in some form... or am I seeing things again? LOL

Not just you...I see the 'bend' too!!!!

BTW: That 223 is amaaaaZING!
It's a *much* better buy (IMHO) than that 221 could ever be...so soooft and so good in the blending dept.!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I love my 222. Perfect crease brush for me.

What is the 222 like compared to the LE 223?

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