2nd interview @ MAC please help....this has been literally driving me crazy.


New member
Ok this is my first post after being a lurker for quite some time now. Last Tuesday I had a initial 1 on 1 interview with the MAC store manager. After our interview he said he was very interested in me and he set up a demo interview with the regional recruiter for Thursday. Showed up on Thursday with my model/friend Keri, lookimg like a lobster. My friend decided she needed her eyebrows done on this day. What was wrong with her? Anyhow, this is how it went. We arrive and wait for a moment until the recruiter is available. She comes out and introductions are made. She right away comments on my models redness and I laugh it off and tell her that my model was embarrassed to be seen with eyebrows in the state they were in. She finds this comical and we go from there. I'm told I have ten minutes to get together my products for a day look and that I must use at least 10 colors (shadows, blushes, lips etc...) Not including face products and primers. I am given clean brushes and I lay down tissue and such on my counter. I gather all I need and being. She also asks me to teach my model as apply. Keri never wears much makeup and has some acne and as of this moment some color imperfections. Lol So I cover it up completely with no more redness. I give her some tips on foundation application, filling in your entire lip with pencil instead of just lining it and I showed her how to contour her cheeks and told her the benefits. When I was through I was asked what I used and such and Keri was asked what she learned. She answered perfectly. I then expected to be asked to change it up to a night look based on most posts. She did not do that however. She said to go ahead and clean up and we will talk at the table out front. Keri went shopping and I walked with the recruiter to the table. This did not sound good. I thought OMG she is going to say thank you, come again. However this is what happened. She did a complete interview again. Asking experience with makeup and retail, what I know about MAC and why I want to work for them. She tells me it is a part time position and am I ok with that. I say that I am good with that and that I can work extra as needed. My current employer is flexible and I chose my own schedule there. We are through and she says that George's (the store managers) boss is out until next week (now this week) so George will need to get with him and he will call me next week and let me know. Positive: #1. if I did not get the job I don't think that George would need to wait for his boss in order to tell me that I didn't get it. Positive #2. I asked her if she had any critiques for me and she said no you did a great job and you were able to cover your models sever redness issue completly. I thanked her for her time and left, stating I looked forward to hearing from George. Ok I know that George's boss was out last week for the holiday and he possibly had a lot to do upon his return. I also know that George was off on Wednesday and had meetings all day Thursday. But today is now Friday and I'm going insane. Please tell me what you think and if I should call or go up there?


Well-known member
i waited weeks and weeks before i finally heard back after my demo...actually it was probably like a month and a half. they take their time there, no need to worry. Maybe in a week I'd pop in and ask how everything is going. Sounds like you did a great job