4 more weeks


Well-known member
hey all!! i havent been here for a while. my preggo ass moved into my house and im nesting and i just havent found the time for internet. besides, i havent wanted to see the new collections because i need to buy baby clothes instead of mac HAHAHAH!!!! but ive got 4 weeks till my son is born!!! im happy that i talked my hubby into getting a house (we're military, so we got into base housing) so that we have a clean place to live, our baby will have his own room, we have our own washer and dryer and we can use our damn heater as much as we want without worrying about the bill!!!
and as soon as my son's a few months old, my mac addiction will probably come back tenfold. for now at least i have enough goodies to take with me to the hospital. LMAO!
my doc told me to bring something that relaxes me. and my makeup case was the first thing that popped into my head, lol...


Well-known member
OMG you must be so excited!! I can remember when my 4 weeks count down started and It was the most exciting but longest 4 weeks I had ever experienced in my life lol. So worth the wait though! My daughter was born 3 days before my actual due date but I had an aunt who also had the same due date as me and had her son 2 weeks early. They say you can give birth either 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after, either way good luck and remember...breath!


Well-known member
OMG I am sooo excited for you!!!
PS. Yes, your mac addiction will come back 10 fold. At least I know mine did.
Oh and a washer and dryer are PRICELESS with a baby...I use our teeny tiny stacked washer and dryer everyday!


Well-known member
Congrats hon. The last 4 weeks seem to take forever. I have 11 days left till my due date and am so anxious. My first came 2 weeks early, the second was about 1 week early, not too sure how early this one will be here.

BTW, I too have had to keep away from MAC so I can buy all the baby stuff. Once the baby is older I'm sure I'll be all over it again. lol

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