5 1/2 Gallon Jello Shot. :-P ** Pix POSTED! :)**


Well-known member
Ok... in case anyone was interested---- it takes 30 boxes of Jello to fill a 5.5 Gallon aquarium... and a LOT of booze. just thought you all should know. its the biggest Jello shot EVER.
Ill post pix later.
of me eating it.
I might share with others. but then again... after the day Ive had- I MIGHT NOT.



Well-known member
It tasted SOOOOO good. was Berry Blue Jello mixed with Island Pineapple Jello and for liquor- Vodka, Rum and Triple Sec... it was sooo delish... my friend Jacquie has the pix... so as soon as I get them- Ill post them!
It was the hit of the birthday party! (especially the plastic sharks and dismembered gummy fish with kool-aid blood we put in it) it was a shark attack jello shot- my fried Mike LOVES sharks... lol


Well-known member
I want picss!

BTW, how do you make Jello Shots?
It's not that popular over here but I liked them ver much when I was in the UK!
Do I just replace a bit of the water with alcohol?


Well-known member
VV- instead of using the cold water to make the jello, you replace it with alcohol... you mix one cup of boiling water with the powder to dissolve it, and then add the cup of liquor and stir, usually then you pour it into little plastic cups, but in this case it was a 5.5 gallon aquarium :p


Well-known member
Hey Girls and boys
told you Id post pix.. here they are!

Picture of the best jello shot ever

another picture of the best jello shot ever.

My friend Kellen and I jokin around lol


Well-known member
OMG that's freakin crazy! How the hell did you guys manage to refridgerate that? Wow!

Oh and looking at the pics is making me drool. lol


Well-known member
That has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen. The gummy sharks and gummy shark victims with blood? Brilliant.


Well-known member
It was great- a stroke of genius on jacquie's part for the blood- we took a pack of kool-aid mix and made it like normal- except with only about 1 cup of HOT water to dissolve the sugar.. and we put a few drops where the tear in the jello was made to insert the fishies... lol and it spread out like blood in water- looked waaaaay cooler and more real in person.

and as for eating it- got a ladle and scooped it into styrofoam cups and ate away! I ate 5 syro cups full!!
needless to say... I was happy.


Well-known member
Thx melozburngr!
I have to try that for sure! Unfortunately we don't have that funky jell-o sorts over here! We just have rapsberry, lemon and woodruff! Boooring as hell!


Well-known member
That is too cute! We something similar to that last mnth for my buddy's 24th. Although, ours was in one of those cheap round bowls from wally world.