5 Reasons...


Well-known member
I thought this might be fun for everybody to do! You can name 5 reasons why you love something - which can be anything from your partner, friend, favourite air of shoes... you get the idea!

5 Reasons why I love Nick (my hubby)

1- He is the funniest guy I know - literally he can have me crying with laughter in minutes!
2 - He is supportive of everything I do without question.
3 - He's great at giving advice or helping me see a different side to things.
4 - He is faithful and loyal and would never do anything to hurt me.
5 - He is cute to look at - he has a wicked personality but is still cute to look at :) hee hee!

So share your 5 Reasons.....


Well-known member
5 Reasons why I love books!

1. Books expand my knowledge and my world!
2. Books are forever faithful friends, always waiting for you to return to them.
3. Books are that constant companion when times are hard, a place to escape to and be safe and balanced.
4. Books expand my vocabulary!
5. Books allow me to think creatively and tap into my imagination, whether they are fiction or not, they bring me for a ride!


Specktra Bestie
Five reasons why I love Spring (even though autumn is still probably my favourite)

1. Everything feels fresh and dewy- there's so much moisture in the air that it's like the impurities get washed away.
2. I no longer have to come up with a military level plan for clothing, depending on how long I'll be inside, how long I'll be outside, how much walking will be required, etc.
3. It's the one time of the year when the city smells clean... thawing dog poop aside.
4. I never get tired of the sight of budding and blooming. The winters here are so harsh, they almost crush me, but somehow these fragile plants that have the whole urban environment working against them still show up every year. Gives me a sense of determination
5. Longer days! Somehow, during winter, when the daylight hours are short, I feel so much pressure to get things done in a shorter space of time. Having more daylight makes me feel more relaxed, more at ease, even if my schedule remains the same.


Well-known member
Five reasons why bedtime is so enjoyable:

1. Comfy pillows
2. Warm blankets
3. Comfy mattress
4. quiet still darkness
5. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

good night ladies ....


Well-known member
5 reasons why i love Orlando -

1 - disney world!! need i explain anymore on this?
2 - the sun - the weather is amazing there.
3 - the shops - they have two cco's there and some awesome shopping malls too!
4 - the sheer amount of awesome restaurants! you never have to eat at the same place twice
5 - wet and wild water park - i love this water park because it's so much fun and because the weather is so nice you never feel cold like you do in a uk water park!


Well-known member
5 reasons I love makeup:

1) The endless choices each morning
2) The beauty/cuteness of products
3) The fun in applying
4) Learning new ways to make yourself lookand feel better
5) The thrill of tring something new


Well-known member
5 Reasons why I love makeup

1. It is fun to play with and the choices are endless.
2. You can make a million different looks and then some!
3. They come in cute packaging and it looks like you haven't bought much, when you have!
4. Makeup is pretty! All that pink lined up in drawers makes me drool for more!
5. If it makes you look good or bad or spooky or funky it still makes you smile!


Well-known member
5 reasons I love my phone....

1. I can watch movies on it before I go to bed.
2. Who needs a gps when you have a phone.
3. I can check out whether i'm getting the best deals on products.
4. I can talk to my friends on it.
5. I can listen to music on it!


Well-known member
great posts guys!

5 reasons why i love my kitties -

1 - both of them know when i am feeling upset and will come and give me a cuddle
2 - they make me laugh when they ply silly games like hunting their own tail!
3- they make funny noises - i swear i have cats that sometimes don't sound like cats! but this makes me giggle too
4 - dylan smell amazing - sounds weird but everybody comments on how good he smells! it is quite weird!
5 - i don't need an alarm clock because they wake me up when it is breakfast time! lol!


Well-known member
great thread

5 reasons why I love food

1. Food is always there for me
2.Taste so gooooood
3.There are so many kinds of food. Soo many options.
4.It makes me feel better when im down. Im an emotional eater/spender.
5.Its so much fun to cook and i love learning new ways to cook


Well-known member
5 reasons why i love my sony tv-

1- it has a glass front so it is kitty protected! lol!
2 - it has built in wifi so i can go on the on demand tv channels to watch shows that i miss
3 - great picture quality
4 - good sound
5 - it is the perfect fit for the corner it sits in! :)

i love my sony tv!
i also have another sony tv in the bedroom! but that is about 3 years old now but still awesome!