5 sins of lipgloss


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How much are these postcards worth? Help!


New member
Whatever value a person puts on them. Meaning it only has value if someone feels it has value. Since you don't have to pay to get postcards generally it has no value. However, since some people see them as collectibles it could have a large value.

That is a pretty old postcard all the way back to good old 1999.

Depending on the condition of it you could probably get a good bit of money for it.

If you are the buyer it would be whatever value you put on it.

Sorry I am so vague but it's just one of those things that is really up the people that collect them.
You could price it at $60 but the question would be is someone willing to pay that price.

I personally would never pay over $5 bucks even for a really old one because most of the images can be found in a few places and printed out onto photopaper.