AHAHAHA. The feet posts crack me up. In general, most guys do not have cute feet. A lot of thinner guys seem to have them disproportionatey large in comparison to their ankles, etc. Usually badly cared for feet can be fixed, though. I'm sure if he loved you enough, he'd make some kind of effort, since it's not that big of a deal. Are you sure this isn't just an excuse to not be with him because you don't like other qualities you see and can't pinpoint?
I'm on the fence about this one. I think a lot of people rely on that initial spark, but there are definitely people that you don't like at first that you grow to love a lot and can't live without. And of course, you can't really stay with someone you're not compatible and comfortable with, which does take time to develop. There is more to love than pure physical chemistry alone from both ends.
It may sound stupid, but I quit smoking several times and finally have commit this time. The guy I like is a heavy smoker. I would much rather marry the guy that I was crazy about and couldn't live without that smoked rather than one that I sort of like and was perfect and didn't smoke. Of course the second choice is more practical, but I wouldn't want to live my life regretting it. It totally boils down to how much you really want to be with him, really. If you love him that much, flaws here and there don't seem to matter as much. Maybe we can die of lung cancer together. >_<
There is nothing wrong with not being heated over a guy you're only lukewarm about. It's best to let things occure naturally. As long as you're not like one of my friends that uses guys that like her to her advantage by leading them on, it's all fine to just be friends. The point I'm trying to make is that don't write off someone just for a few technical flaws in his appearance or character. Keep an open mind. If the chemistry just isn't there for an unspoken reason, no point in forcing it. If it develops, cool, if not, that's fine.