

Well-known member
I know it sounds bad.... BUT I LIKE IT! stupid cheating loser boyfriends ughhh

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
LOVE IT!!! If that's what you needed to move on then good for you.

I hope they both make his life miserable...sorry I'm mean.


Well-known member
Hehe a little vengeful streak in there! I get it though... it's just like you're helping karma do its job quicker.

I'm glad you're finally moving on =)


Well-known member
Hey well done you for doing both of those girls a favour!! I am sure that they didn't know he was cheating on them also.

Not vengeful just helpful and your well shut of him - he sounds like he is going to be a serial cheater for the rest of his life.

God I read back through some of my posts on here and I sound like a right man hater - I'm not but I really can't stand bad behaviour and if its not something you would ever dream of doing to somebody you cared about - its not right to accept it from other people who supposedly care about you.

Go girl!!! On to your new life


Well-known member
Good work! Usually i don't like revenge but in this situation you're helping out both the girls aswell. The only person who isn't helped out is him so good work


Well-known member
I don't believe in revenge...But whatever it takes to help a girl move on then I am happy it worked for you....Maybe he will be just a afterthought from this point forward and you want think of him or what he is up to from this point forward


Well-known member
That's hilarious! It's good that the other two girls know to steer clear of that loser!! Glad you're moving on... go find a fella that's worth your time


Well-known member
good for you! i'm pleased you're moving and and i'm sure those girls will be thankful! you saved them alot of heartache too!


Well-known member
Oh man. Haha. If only every girl dealt with things this way.

Your ex sounds like a very strange little boy. Strange for doing what he did and strange for thinking he could get away with it. Well, let's hope the girls both take the bait. ^_^


Well-known member
haha u go girl! u used public info and used it against him. it does feel good right? don't get addicted to the "vengeful" feeling! now u can move on.


Well-known member
I'm not a believer of revenge either, I wouldn't have the guts to do it, but I'd highfive you right now if I could!