a filled 15 pallette on e-bay


Well-known member
what a cute idea! Its a good starter I think! Something dark, something neutral!


Well-known member
I would be a little leary of them. She has listed about 40 of them in the past 2 days. Someone on MUA did the math and figured the seller could only be making a few dollars on each one. That is if they were genuine MAC, and if she were were a MAC employee with a 60% discount. Even with 40% off PPID pro card this auction would lose money. I have to wonder if some of the products were stolen. Something to ponder, I'm interested to see what her feedback would be in a few weeks.


Well-known member
Maybe it is someone just starting out and they have the pricing low until they build up feedback. Or...yes, it could be shadows that "fell off of a truck".


Well-known member
Looks to be the same person as this one, which was discussed here at the time:


Or someone else who is copying her listings style & pictures.

I think the pans are about $9 USD and the palette $12? This means it would cost her $147 retail, minus a 60% employee discount would bring her cost down to $59, so with Buy It Now for $90, she'd be making about thirty bucks on each.

The only thing I would be concerned about is whether they are genuine MAC shadows??


Well-known member
Sometimes you can find good deals. I got a full palette for $70 on there from a reputable seller. 12 were MAC and 3 were Elizabeth Arden colors inside the palette. She said in her auction that she worked for MAC and switched to a different line and was selling all her MAC stuff. It was new and nothing had been used.


Well-known member
Hmm, timg9676 pics & descriptions are alot like evildead's, a great seller of MAC filled pans. I wonder if it's the same seller or someone scamming? I actually have been checking evildead's listings & she hasn't had anything up for about a month so maybe she started a new account?


Well-known member
Maybe she says she can't switch shadows because someone's asked her to take some from one of her listed palettes and put into another, that way her listings would be all screwed up (if she has to cancel a listing because she had to take some of that item's colors out, she still has to pay listing fees).


Well-known member
Wel...I recently won a palette filled with 12 colors and they were authentic and brand new. If you check every day...you will see these for sale often..There is another one...but if you already own a lot of e/s most are repeats. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...%3AIT&rd=1

Also...I did see the palettes listed by timg..I never saw any under the old name. I happened to find them when I typed palette wrong. Well I won a 15 palette for 75 bucks. I emailed him to ask if the s/h included delivery conf. & insurance and he said yes. I also emailed him asking if i found this wasnt 100% mac does he give money back guarantee..he said yes. I will let you all know how this turns out :)


Well-known member
Seems all the links go to "Invalid Item" messages saying it was removed. I hope nobody here lost money on this scam.

Have you all seen the Buy It Now for the palette with Parrot in it??? I'm sure that one is probably real....but is it realistic?


Active member
i searched for that person's SN on ebay and that person had -4 feedbacks ! All of them said that they paid for their items but it was never shipped to them. It was a scam.... suckie


Well-known member
Yeuuuhh,.. well apparently Ebay is onto them. They removed the listing and there is now a little message about it instead of the listing. I know Tiffany's was making a big fuss on the news about knockoffs of their stuff being sold,...So looks like Ebay may be cracking down on that stuff so ladies if you see a fraud and are darned sure it is a fraud,.. you may want to report them to ebay,... save the poor people who don't know about knockoff MAC,.....


Read that there has been a lot of fakes going around. For pigments, e/s and lustreglass. Becareful girls!


Well-known member
I personally don't purchase any kind of formulated products off of ebay (ex: makeup, skincare, food,) because I don't trust that they haven't been tampered with.

However, I did win an auction about 6 months ago for a set of 15 brushes for a little under $100, and the seller scammed me out of my cash. Thankfully I purchased through Pay Pal, and they got me about $80 back, but I'm still out $20.

Nonetheless, I still wouldn't buy product. I just don't trust faceless sellers. At least on here, you've got some history and can base your trust on their inputs on the forum.

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