A news of France!!!!


Hello! I am called Vanessa I am 20 years old and I live in the western south of France! I am an any news in the world of MAC, and I placed order on their Internet site only once for the moment! But I count on you for y remedier.... Of course I order on the Ne, there is no shop close of at home
! I am also sorry for my control of English
, in fact I use a translator! hihi!

Merry Christmas with all!


Well-known member
Bonjour =) Je m'appelle Merrill. Je suis un cours de francais pour trois ans, mais c'est mon troisieme annee. Je ne le parle pas bien. Je veux vous donner un accueil a Specktra, et je suis desolee pour mes fautes de grammaire, parce que j'etude le francais et je ne suis pas francophone, si je ne sais pas le structure j'essaie de se faire.

Sorry for my bad grammar and lack of accents, I'm too lazy to dig them up from my symbols box thingy. Anyway, I'm Merrill, welcome to Specktra =) I'm only a french student, and I'm halfway through my third year so I don't know all the grammar and I tend to make it up if I don't =P Welcome to Specktra =)


Well-known member
Bonjour et bienvenue a Specktra! J'etudie francais depuis 10 ans, mais j'oublie beaucoup! Alors, Salut!