a very urgent loose powder rec request!


New member
Im going on holiday in a weeks time and i desperately want a nice loose powder- and after researching most of the higher end ones ive decided upon either nars loose or the becca loose one but i have no idea which shades! I have to order it online as i dont have a nars/or becca store anywhere near me and would love some help! I have around nc30 skin, light tan although my body is a lot darker (i use the sunbeds but never tan my face just occasional fake tan) shiseido cream foundation in 060 is a great match for me,i recently tried teint innocence chanel foundation and beige 40 was too light and 50 natural too 'orange' and dark so i guess im somewhere in between those, and in stila illuminating fdtn im 50 watts.

With the becca im wondering whether to get sesame or wheat? or another one? and nars im stuck between beach and eden? if anyone can help id be so grateful!


Well-known member

I once had a makeover at a NARS counter, and I recall the MA using Eden on me (I am a MAC NC30 light olive complexion). Hope that helps!


Active member
I've tried a zillion high end powders and always go back to Becca and I LOVE it - however I think Sesame might be a *tad* too light for you - I'm inbetween a MAC NW15-20 (though I don't use MAC foundations anymore) and I can use Sesame sucessfully - if you opt for Becca (which I'd highly recommend!), go for the Wheat color. I do have a NARS loose powder in the lightest color (the whitish one) but I rarely use it. Becca's is great!