Academic Doping...


Well-known member
how is it for their benefit? they're teaching their kids that instead of learning to focus themselves that they should turn to drugs. also there could be other factors that cause a drop in grades and parents should be willing to work through them with their kids, instead of just doping them up. this kind of behavior just paves the way for drug abuse later on.

it's an absolutely sick idea.


Well-known member
the 'benefit' is that (supposedly) the kids have greater opportunity to get into elite higher learning facility...
I'm not saying it's right at all.
Please do not think that, but I am playing devil's advocate.


Well-known member

i just feel that it's so annoying that instead of actually working with their kids, they just feel that drugging them is the way to go.

they should find out what their kids want, instead of just pushing them to get straight A's and get into Yale or something.


Well-known member
if he or she can't do it on their own, they don't deserve it. there are plenty of people who want to get into Yale and do it on their own merit. besides there are more schools in the world than just Yale or any other Ivy League school. despite what people may think, Yale is not the end all or be all of colleges and some other schools are just as good.


Well-known member
Of course it's not.
But same as an athlete can train and eat and work for the sport and train specifically for it...should an academic be any different than an athlete?


Well-known member
Drugs for ADD and ADHD are a load of BS.
Granted there are some that truely need it because they really are ADHD and ADD.
Here is why 99.9% do not.

Put them in front of a computer screen or a video game.
They will be in front of it for hours upon hours playing their game.

If they can have their attention spaned on their computer or video game for hours guess what? They do not have ADD or ADHD. Instead, they just get bored with school.

So do I agree with this? Nope. Because it's just one more way for us to blame things on ANYTHING ELSE but self and it teaches the kids to do the same thing.

And God forbid anyone especially a child actually bust their ass to maybe continue getting a good grade!


Well-known member
That's not true at all.

When there is a lack of interest in the subject, or the material isn't presented in the right manner, a child who is ADD or ADHD will not be able to focus on it.

I'm confirmed ADD but with the right presentation I can focus on something.


Well-known member
you "train" by studying. to get into the college you want, you can work for the grades, join clubs, volunteer, etc. if you have problems with concentration the problem does not necessarily have to be solved with drugs. you can change your diet, sleeping patterns, physical activities, etc.


Well-known member
Who's to say the child isn't busting his ass? Who's to say the child isn't doing what s/he can do to the best of his/her ability?
Of course changing diet, sleeping patterns, activities can help, there's no doubt. Sometimes that extra edge is needed.


Well-known member
then maybe it isn't right for them? i think that the question is whether this is what the child wants or what the parent wants.

not everyone is made out for Yale or academics at all.


Well-known member
you'd really have to look at the family for that. if the parents are that desperate for it, does the child really want it or does he/she just think so? it could just be so pushed upon the child that he/she is convinced that they want it, but really don't. who knows what other talents or interests that the child has but hasn't had the chance to explore them

and still there is the fact that are other factors that could be affecting the child. personal issues that the parents are unaware of or choose to ignore in their quest for perfection. and even if the child suggests the drugs it could just be because of the parental pressure for perfection.


Well-known member
I would agree.

I don't agree with giving kids ADD medication at all, and I'm ADD. I think it can be quite an advantage in life when worked with properly.


Well-known member
absolutely! just like with dyslexia. i read somewhere that people with dyslexia tend to be very intelligent and emphatic. they usually go into business for themselves so they can control their own environment, which is why they usually are so successful.

ADD/ADHD is only a set back if you let it be one.


Well-known member
It's a saying that's stood the test of time and then some...

"If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best by any means necessary." I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been a serious issue earlier. Or it has, and I'm just now learning about it, since they always cry foul when it happens with athletes and the like.


Well-known member
Ritalin has long term side effects. So absolutely no. Most drugs of that type have either side effects that we know about or ones that we don't and haven't tested for. I'm saying this because I have ADD and was on Ritalin when I was little. I seem to have missed out on most of the side effects, but why take the chance?