" Actually, this is an intervention"


Well-known member
I hope I spelled intervention right. I wouldn't be surprised if this is already an existing thread but has anyone ever been confronted for their makeup addiction?
I bring it up because my mom just did. She walked in on me looking at all these FOTDs and she noticed how almost ALL of my visited sites are makeup related! She told me how I spend too much time wearing makeup, talking about makeup, asking to do her makeup, and buying makeup! It has come to the point where I have to smuggle makeup in my shirt pockets and dash into my bathroom before she can search me. It's really quite funny.

I wonder if any of you have been confronted about your love of cosmetics. Share your stories.


Well-known member
I guess it comes down to what level someone perceives as an addiction. You may look at a lot of makeup sites, take interest in new collections and spend your disposable income on makeup, but I consider that a hobby.

If you collected comic books, for example, it wouldn't be unreasonable for you to follow websites, anticipate new releases or purchase new comic books. Makeup is no different than any other hobby.

Makeup is also a form of expression. A way to express yourself, where your face is the canvas. It's no different than if you were to paint or sculpt.

I guess it becomes an "addiction" if you start spending mortgage money on makeup, or stop going to work because you have to stay home and surf makeup sites or something.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I guess it comes down to what level someone perceives as an addiction. You may look at a lot of makeup sites, take interest in new collections and spend your disposable income on makeup, but I consider that a hobby.

If you collected comic books, for example, it wouldn't be unreasonable for you to follow websites, anticipate new releases or purchase new comic books. Makeup is no different than any other hobby.

Makeup is also a form of expression. A way to express yourself, where your face is the canvas. It's no different than if you were to paint or sculpt.

I guess it becomes an "addiction" if you start spending mortgage money on makeup, or stop going to work because you have to stay home and surf makeup sites or something.

THANKS! please tell that to my mom!!!!


Well-known member
Wow...now I have nothing to complain about because the most my mom and husband do is joke about where I'm going to put it all and take bets on how long it will take to use it all. But MAC_whore makes a good point, as long as you aren't forgoing the necessities to feed your addiction - you are a okay.


Well-known member
Oh my roommates make fun of me for getting mysterious packages in the mail all the time.. they're either makeup items from eBay or a MuA swap haha

When I'm at my parents house I refuse to get anything sent there because I know my mom will scold me for buying expensive makeup I don't need! lol


Well-known member
I swear- whenever I am out with friends or whatnot, I always bring up makeup.
They are starting to get an interest more in it now too.


Well-known member
YES!! My mother has become completely insane in regards to berating me for my love of makeup. She calls it stupid, superficial and frivolous.

Granted, I do spend a heck of a lot of time browsing makeup sites and I do anticipate new collections, but I don't see it as an addiction. Its unfortunate that as a grown woman (i am 22) that my mom would find the need to chastise me for what I spend my hard earned money on. Trully, the level at which she criticizes my love of makeup has become unbearable.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't talk much about makeup beyond this site, unless my friends ask me questions. I try to keep conversation with people about stuff the bulk of them care about.

I looked at your profile and see that you're 16. It's probably just a mother thing to do, unless your love of makeup is interfering with your life (causing you to go over your head in debt, preventing you from getting good grades...) A lot of family members will probably think you should just enjoy your natural beauty, even if you enjoy wearing makeup


Well-known member
LOL at the title of this thread!

I'm careful about who I let know about my passion for makeup. Some people (mostly other women) just don't understand. I can't be bothered with the whole "why do you need that much makeup?" questions. I am almost 31, married with 4 children, so it doesn't matter one whit what anyone else thinks about my love of cosmetics, but I do agree that if it's interfering with normal life, than it could be a sign of a problem.

Just my $.02

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
i dont see ANYTHING wrong with loving makeup and makeup sites and tutorials. its not hurting anyone, its not ruining your life (unless youre on the sites and playing with makeup to the point where you skip work or class or are thousands in debt...)


Well-known member
Yeah, my husband and mother don't understand my love of cosmetics. The husband is slowly coming to terms with all my makeup, though. I told him that I should be allowed to spend my monthly expendable income on whatever I want, be it makeup, clothing or purses. That kind of shut him up. But my friends do (although not to the same extent as me).


Well-known member
I'm fortunate enough to have a mom who loves makeup too. She didn't mess with it for awhile until I started getting into it, and I think that just re-awakened her interest. However, my DAD is the one who always asks me what I have all over my face. If it's a subtle, neutral color, he doesn't mind. But the minute I start breaking out my blues he asks why I feel like I need to hide myself! He doesn't bug me about the cost though, since he never buys it, and my parents are divorced, so he's clueless about all that. haha


Well-known member
Actually, this just happened to me last night when my sister and I were decluttering our makeup bags. The bad thing is...I still have one of those mini sterlite 3-drawers tower full of makeup at my dorm! But anyways, she was looking at all my new stila (mostly acquired here on Specktra for way below retail), and she was like "That's almost $500 worth of makeup, why are you spending that kind of money on makeup!?" IDK, I can see her point, that I maybe don't need it all, but it is one of my passions and I choose to indulge in it. My dad would probably flip his lid if he knew how much my makeup was worth (although he thinks makeup in general is a waste of money...so whatever =]), but the bottom line is, it's my disposable income, and I'll spend it however I see fit.

I can see the distinction of "it's makeup, which is perishable", whereas other things people 'collect' like comics, DVDs, knickknack-y stuff aren't....but it's not like I have lots of mascaras, liquid liners, even lipsticks, that turn faster than other things (although the rate at which they go bad is pretty slow IMO, I've had some lipstick/gloss for years and they are exactly the same in terms of texture/smell/color), I mostly have a lot of eyeshadow, which can last a really long time as long as you take care of them.



Well-known member
my rents have noooo idea i have a small makeup collection, nevermind that it's mac. some of my closer friends know that i've spent ~500 on makeup and they think that i'm crazy for doing it, but when i explain that it's my own money, that i get straight As in college, and i've completely paid for my college education on my own w/o my rent's help, they understand that it's my hobby and are pretty cool w/ it. besides, they're always asking me to do their makeup or asking me questions about makeup hehe


Well-known member
my dad and my sister tell me regularly that i don't need it and that i could probably be spending my money on better things. they've both asked me on seperate occassions how much my face costs haha.

but that's about as close to an intervention anyone's ever come. i work my ass off for my money, so they don't really worry too much about it. i manage my money well and always pay off all my bills before buying makeup so it's all kosher.


Well-known member
I don't think I'm addicted to makeup or anything. I got confronted by my best guy friend I haven't seen for 5 months about it a few days ago actually... He was just like "Why do you wear makeup? Why are you spending so much on it? Do you have a problem?" It was actually pretty funny... But makeup for me is like an expression of art. It's like your whole skin is your palette and you can make something really beautiful with it.


Well-known member
I don't think i'm addicted to makeup, but everyone else seems to think so... I have one of the 3 teir stearlite (sp?) bins that I store it all in... And instead of hearing crap from my parents (i'm 23btw) I always put my purchases in my purse before going upstairs ;x and NEVER have it shipped to my house! hah!

And then yesterday my grandma asked me how much money I have invested in makeup (between 4-5g ;x) and when I told her, she said it's def an addiction...

I've gotten to the point that when I buy new stuff, I don't tell anyone, cause they just think that it's pathetic and lame... And that my makeup will go bad... But the majority of what I have is es, and those suckers can last a long time!!

I really didn't think that it was, I felt that it was just something that I enjoyed.... But now re-reading what I've said, I may have to question if it is or isnt' an addiction... Ahhh.. Your post made me think, and I don't think that it helped you at all. Sorry.


Well-known member
My DH always tells me "you've only got one face" when he sees ALLLLL my MU when I am reorganizing/cleaning out my MU stash. I know I have quite a bit of MU, but at least with MAC if I get totally sick of something or use it up I can B2M my empties, so that justifies some of my haulage!
It's funny that this thread comes up since I don't hear many guys getting $#*t for humongo DVD/PSP/Wii/DS etc. collections! How about guys who go gaga over tools? Motorcycles and gear? Import cars? Lol!
I scrimp in other areas like food (I love to cook so I don't go out to eat often), I don't drink much (too many calories in a margarita!) so that saves me money too. I rent DVDs rather than going to the theater, and I do my own gardening, cleaning, etc. I'd say that justifies my addiction just fine...plus, I am a coupon whore!