adding one more thing to the saga..


Well-known member
Okay as if you haven't heard enough about my lifelong journey trying to work for MAC.. I just have one more question. I need you people who work at MAC to give me a shot of advice. So I have been through three interviews. Two verbal and one demo. My next interview is a telephone interview with a regional rep. What happens? What do I expect? I know with Lauder you have what's called a 'talent plus' interview and it's just a bunch of personality questions. Is this close to what this is? Please help and thanks in advance.
I'm soooo damn close I can taste it!!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
jesus they are really making you run around... its been like a month already!
you better get the job or ill personally kick some ass lol


Well-known member
I didn't have to do a phone interview but it honestly seems like you're in. That's a pretty easy step to get through and if it's that far along I can't imagine you not getting the job because of a phone interview.
A few tips, be very clear and forward, no "ums" or "likes". Be honest, don't trail off or get off subject. Basic things that's I'm sure you're aware of. Finally, always a good tip, don't hang up first. As in, after you say goodbye don't just click, wait to hear the other person hang up. That's just a little tip they always tell us at the counter. Unless you both do that, then it would be weird hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Finally, always a good tip, don't hang up first. As in, after you say goodbye don't just click, wait to hear the other person hang up. That's just a little tip they always tell us at the counter. Unless you both do that, then it would be weird hahaha.

I would have never thought of that!!! Huh.

Thank you for your advice! I never had a phone interview when I got hired on at Macy's for Lauder. In fact, the manager screwed up. I never had a Lauder interview period.
The cosmetics manager that offered me the position thought I already had my Lauder interview.. that's funny.

I am so excited I hope they call tomorrow!!


Well-known member
UGH the clock is ticking...

Couldn't this be a form of hazing? LOL.. making you wait in agonizing pain for one phonecall.. they know all us mac girls are pulling out our hair waiting for that one little 'you're in' call...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VioletB
Ok. So it's been barely over a week and they haven't called.. Should I be worried???

Have you called them, dropped off a thank you note etc?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Have you called them, dropped off a thank you note etc?

Well I don't know who to call because I am just waiting on a regional rep to call me for a phone interview. I guess tomorrow I could drop off a thank you card to the counter manager I interviewed with... Advice?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VioletB
Well I don't know who to call because I am just waiting on a regional rep to call me for a phone interview. I guess tomorrow I could drop off a thank you card to the counter manager I interviewed with... Advice?

Totally drop off a card. It's not something people think of often but it looks really good. Just write a simple note thanking them for their time and saying that you are looking forward to your phone interview


Well-known member
Yup, with the last person you interviewed with, drop the thank you card off and if they ask about the interview, just let them know you haven't heard anything. I'm sure they will be willing to find out what's going on for you.