Tons of great stuff here... I'm sure I will reiterate a lot of it, but throwing my 2 cents in anyway
"ME TIME" IS IMPORTANT - Just because you live together does not mean you have to do everything together. Its so important to take your own personal time, just like you did before you lived together. Whether this be going out with your friends, curling up with a book without being bothered, taking a yoga class, whatever. Its very easy to get "caught up" in
Couple's Life & want to do everything with your SO. But you need your own time & space. And so does he. With that said...
QUALITY TIME IS IMPORTANT - Still make plans to do special things together. My boyfriend &I had a problem for awhile where we would both just assume that we would do certain things together (i.e. relax after work watching TV, eat dinner, go grocery shopping, etc.) & there is a common misconception that this is actual quality time. Sometimes it can be, but its mostly routine. But it caused us to stop making plans to do anything that was actually FUN or out of routine alone together. This can cause a loss of focus on one another. Now, we make sure to have a weekend "Date Night" for just the two of us at least once or twice a month to reconnect. Plus, we have one night a week reserved to spend time together, whatever we choose to do. It makes a world of difference.
FINANCES - Yep, this is the #1 thing couples fight about. Go into the situation with awareness of each others financial situation &financial goals. Make sure its very clear how much you can afford &be honest about how much money you spend per month (i.e. if you buy tons of MAC makeup like many of us on Specktra
) I personally keep a spreadsheet of my finances & my boyfriends finances - combined & separate. It really helps when we are trying to save to buy something together for our place. It also came in handy when we moved & I was trying to figure out how much we could afford to pay for rent.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - This one is huge. Respect each other's time, space, property, opinions, etc. Respect is visible in actions & easily heard in words. Be sure you are showing your partner the kind of respect you expect to receive from them.
COMMUNICATION IS KEY - Miscommunication is a common cause for arguments. Be honest. Be open. If something is bothering you, tell your SO. But be civil. And be understanding. If you don't understand, ASK for a better explanation. Contrary to popular belief, no one can read minds. Its key to keep your SO in the loop by sharing what's on your mind. And vice versa.
COMPROMISE - Relationships are all about compromising. You want to go out for sushi, he wants to stay in & order pizza. You like the yellow towels for the bathroom, he likes the blue. You will have to come together to make plenty of decisions like this - some this miniscule & some quite larger - like having kids or moving to another state. The best thing to do is come to a mutual conclusion. Let go of your stubborness!
DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF - Do you best to prevent yourself from getting angry over the small stuff. Before speaking up about it, ask yourself is it really worth fussing over it? Is it really going to matter tommorow? Chances are, the answer is no. But if it happens to be yes, bring it up to your partner & calmly discuss the issue together, rather than making a big deal of it. If its something little, but repeatedly happening, you should definitely communicate your irritation to your partner & rectify a solution. For example, my boyfriend used to leave receipts & loose change all over our house! On the speakers, the table, the bathroom counter, the bed, IN the bed, etc... it drove me NUTS! Finally, I put a bowl next to wear he usually empties his pockets & asked him nicely if he could please put his receipts & change in the bowl when he undressed. I rarely find loose change or receipts scattered throughout the house anymore.
Anyway, hope this helps you out! And good luck