ahhhhh Frustrated...


Well-known member
Mods, feel free to move this if it isn't an appropriate topic for this section.

Ok, so this could be the silliest question but I am having a h*ll of a time trying to post a EOTD...I've read Shimmers tutorial on how to post using photobucket but when I get into posting I am stuck...

I've tried doing attachments but my URL always comes up as too large?

and how do you just post using your URL links? I've tried inserting the code and my picture just doesn't show up in my preview....

whats going on!!!! HELP ME!!!! Hah



Well-known member
On photobucket, when you've chosen what pick you want to post, click on the picture, and theres an option to "resize" it. Click on whatever size you want, and then copy the img code, and paste it directly on your post. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holly
On photobucket, when you've chosen what pick you want to post, click on the picture, and theres an option to "resize" it. Click on whatever size you want, and then copy the img code, and paste it directly on your post. HTH!

Ok so feeling a bit better now....I've got to the resize part. Can you clarify exactly how to post directly into the box? Since you can't right click what do I need to do?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Iridescence
Ok so feeling a bit better now....I've got to the resize part. Can you clarify exactly how to post directly into the box? Since you can't right click what do I need to do?

You click on the last box, that contains the IMG code (This code is for pictures for forums), just left click it, it copies it automatically. Then just ctrl p onto your post wherever you want to put the picture on the forums, and It'll appear once it's posted.

Hope that's a little more clear :s