Am I Being Too Touchy?


Well-known member
Thanks to anyone who read this, I really needed to vent...haha.

[EDITED: I just don't want anybody accidentally stumbling upon this post. Thanks to everyone who responded! I hope this isn't against the rules, I read the FAQ and it said to delete a thread to contact somebody, but it didn't say who to contact.]


Well-known member
This sounds like you are talking about the guy I'm presently seeing. I absolutely can't stand when they text you and then you respond and you don't hear back for hours, days etc. The plans that never take place, calls that don't happen, I have heard it all before.

I'll give you the same advice that I was given.....DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON HIM. It took me a while to smarten up but I did. I have basically just let him go. He still texts and sometimes I answer and sometimes I don't and I never contact him first anymore. He will either stop being a jerk or he won't and then you can make your own decision as to whether you want to waste anymore time on him.

I don't mean to be harsh but the upset this behaviour causes is not usually worth it.


Well-known member
That's another thing, I don't ever contact him first so if he doesn't want to see or talk to me, then he could easily not. I guess that could irritate him too, but at least I don't give him false hope by saying I will do something and then not do it.

Thanks for the quick response! It made me feel better to know I'm not alone in feeling angry about stuff like this.


Well-known member
I'm glad you don't contact him first because I get the feeling that he wouldn't reply back or if he does it wouldn't be right away. I'm going to give you my tough love line: if he wants you he will come to you so leave it at that and see what happens.

This guy messaged me last night and today but he is just trying to find out if I am out and if I'm with other guys. I tell him it is none of his business and then he backs off. I have not actually seen him in three weeks so as far as I'm concerned it is over and I think he knows it.

Please feel free to PM me anytime if you want to talk more about this. I would be happy to help you out.


Well-known member
Some guys are just like this sometimes.. they don't think it's a big deal like we do! I do that too though sometimes. I'll get a text, read it, then go back to what I was doing thinking I'll reply to it later but then I totally forget. But he sounds kind of flakey. i HATE flakey people, don't say something if you're not going to do it, you know?? I agree with moppit though, don't waste your time on him.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Is that his normal behavior? If it isn't, I would give him another chance, after you firmly tell him what he's doing isn't acceptable.

If it is, I would forget him


Well-known member
Thanks for the responses everybody!

He doesn't always do it, that's why it makes me so mad whenever he does, which is once in a while.


Well-known member
I hate texting for that reason. Its slow, sometimes people dont get them a phone call is cheaper anyways and you get all the Info , asap!


Well-known member
I couldn't agree with you more. Don't call or text him.

Originally Posted by Moppit
This sounds like you are talking about the guy I'm presently seeing. I absolutely can't stand when they text you and then you respond and you don't hear back for hours, days etc. The plans that never take place, calls that don't happen, I have heard it all before.

I'll give you the same advice that I was given.....DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON HIM. It took me a while to smarten up but I did. I have basically just let him go. He still texts and sometimes I answer and sometimes I don't and I never contact him first anymore. He will either stop being a jerk or he won't and then you can make your own decision as to whether you want to waste anymore time on him.

I don't mean to be harsh but the upset this behaviour causes is not usually worth it.
