America's Number ONE fear....


Well-known member
So I finally got the guts to take the damn class...Public Speaking. Hearing that its the number one fear makes me feel a little bit better but still! im freaking out and is so nervous already and we havent even done any speaking yet. Today was my first day. I know I posted about speech a long long time ago but I cant help it. When I get in front of class my mouth gets totally dried up, my knees begin to shake, my heart starts to beat fast, I feel really hot, and my face gets red begins my cheeks feel like they are burning lol.

I was wondering if any of you have taken public speaking before? And I was curious as to what impromptu speeches were all about? I feel stupid for asking this but my teacher hasnt explained what that was. But tell me your experiences or other ppls speeches that you have seen that werent so great, just to make me feel better lol.


Well-known member
I kind of like public speaking, but I had that same experience you did, years ago.

Impromptu speeches can be things like "Introduce this person to the class" or "Here's a topic and five minutes to come up with a short speech on it."

My advice: eliminate "um" "uh" and "like" from your vocabulary (just pause if you think you're going to say that sort of filler), do not play with your hair, a pen, earrings, clothing, the desk, etc. Make an effort to get to know your prof and classmates so it feels like you're just having a discussion with them (that part REALLY helps), and when you start to feel icky, take a deep breath. Talk at a moderate pace, and do your speech from an outline so it sounds natural. LOTS OF EYE CONTACT! And smile/laugh, even if you have to force yourself. If you look happy and at ease, you'll start to feel at ease - so wear something comfortable and cute, and stand in a relaxed posture.

If you need specific help or advice don't hesitate to ask! I've had many years of having to give presentations to get over this fear.


Well-known member
Well thanks for the advice...I was just looking up some impromptu topics and some of them are things that I might not know about. Like what if you dont know about a certain topic but have to present it in like 5 minutes...any advice on that?


Active member
The best PS class I ever took called for an assignment where we had to take a brown paper grocery bag and glue pics on the outside of the bag of the way we thought the world viewed us. Then, we placed pics inside the bag of the way we saw ourselves--just any pics out of magazines or such. We then had to explain the descrepancies.

The people in that class remained some of my best friends throughout college.

I also learned that everybody is afraid of something.

Embrace your fear--make peace with it. Don't let it control your life--it only has as much power as you give it.

If all else fails, picture everyone in the audience sitting on the toilet--it's the one thing they'll all have in common.

Trust yourself---no one is better than you!!!


Active member
Oh, and when you have to speak on subjects you aren't familiar with, BS. Study Bush--he got elected president that way.


Well-known member
Don't get too afraid. The worst thing that can ever happen is death and it's not like you're going to die up there!

All you gotta do is picture people doing something really stupid. I once had to give a speech in front of this monstrous croud (3,000 people) and I was traumatized. I literally felt like I was going to vomit but the person who was the main speaker came over to me and he said, " You look scared" and i was like uhhhh yeah....and he just leaned in my ear and said, "just imagine they are all drunk-just think WHISKEY" and he said whiskey in such a funny way-then he just shoved me on the stage but i was loose then. I was no longer scared

So just imagine you're talking to a bunch of drunks-it'll make everything better


Well-known member
Remember also, that half the people aren't paying any attention - nothing personal, but hey, you know you're one of those daydreamers sometimes, too

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