Amuse is now on sale in the UK


Well-known member
ok so i went to fenwicks today (cos i work there hah) and anyway finished when the shop closed and walked past the mac counter and there it was in all its glory i was noooo cos the shop was closed obv no one there
going back tommorrow though im excited


Well-known member
I just called the Pro store... it's not out yet! The guy said August, but couldn't give a date!
Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by browneyedbaby
Lalli... can you let me know if they do please? Don't wanna travel that far if not. Thank you

yehh sure im going to phone up and ask


Well-known member
ok so i def got mine today

i only wanted the msfs so asked for all 3 she said they didnt have shimpagne as it sold out a few days ago
but more were coming back in

i bought shooting star and porcelian pink though


Well-known member
ok so i only wanted the msfs i totally forgot about the shadows though im going to work tommorrow and to get shimpagne so ill check and post back
and the msfs were £16.50

fluidlines are £10.50
last time i bought one though was £10 sigh


Just to let you ladies know that A Muse is on sale in Manchester in regular counters. I am sure some other stores around the country will be selling it now too.

The only think they didn't seem to have was New Weed (they had blacktrack in its place.)

A few things really stood out to me;

Lithograph looked great. Lots of shimmer. Would really make blue eyes stand out.

The black in Persona/Screen Vinyl was fab. It blended really well and was supper sparkley.

Charm Factor was lovley. A really juicy peach.

Was greatly impressed by pretty much everything except shooting star. Looked very dark and quite orangy on my pale skin. I can usually carry off dark bronzers but it turned out a very weird colour on me. Also, didn't think Be-in was anything special although I know alot of people rave about it.

Girls.... we are all going to be broke.


Mac fro Zandra Rhodes (in the Uk)

Found out via a live journal chat that Mac for Zandra Rhodes will be exclusive to Harrod's and will come out in the UK in early September. She thought they might sell it via the website but wasn't 100% sure.

Anyone who hasn't heard of Zandra can check out her website:


Well-known member
just called my favorite MAC store in london, and they don't have A MUSE. they said it's coming out in the beginning of august- which i knew, but since the collection is already out in some parts of the UK, i thought i should try my luck...


Well-known member
i phone my Mac in Cardiff and they said they havent got it for 2 weeks?
but thats the concession in Debenhams
so im gonna try the freestanding store.


Well-known member
will you let me know if Cardiff has it please? I need to make a trip down but I don't wanna go till I can get Amuse haha.