An Early Birthday haul!


Well-known member
My sister agreed to get some of the sundressing collection for me for my birthday in July, so we went shopping last night. I got to meet the lovely Leila (MACGoddess) from Specktra, and had a great time spending my sisters money!

For myself, I got:
* Pink Cabana
* Gleam pan
* Steamy pan

For my birthday, my sister got me:
* Goldensoft Lipgelee (my first one, and I LOVE IT!)
* Gold Dusk pigment
* Vanilla pigment
* Nocturnelle pan
* Freshwater pan
* Coppertime l/s
* Apres sol l/s

For herself, my sister got:
* Auto Orange l/l
* Beigeing s/s
* Blue Brown pigment
* Honesty pan
* Goldensoft lipgelee

We had an AWESOME time, and my sister even gave me my goodies early since she couldn't wait for my birthday for me to have them!
I will try to post a pic soon!


Well-known member
Not a bad B'day pressie at all! Hope ya have fun with ya new goodies, and no doubt I'll forget so HAPPY BIRTHDAY for July!!!