Another breakup story..


New member
..well sort of.
My boyfriend of almost 2 years recently told me that he was "confused about our reationship" and needed time to think about it. He had called me the next day and said that he recieved some advice from his parents(whom I've never met) that went something along the lines of "You're young and you need to be free to experience things while you're in college." The first thing I asked him was if by other "things" he meant "girls" he said no,and I believe him because he's never been know to lie to me like that before.
I basically told him that if he didnt love me anymore or he didnt want to be with me,then he needed to break things off right then,but he refused! He told me he still did love me and he wanted to be with me..I dont get it. I dont think he did either because he told me we would talk about it this weekend,because he needed time to think. Fine with me..atleast I thought it was. The more I think about it,the angrier I get. I really dont want to be with someone who dosent know wether or not they want me in their life,however, I keep thinking that there might be a chance for us to still be together. Theres also another big factor in this situation. I may be pregnant with his kid. I told him and he freaked out,which is to be expected but he calmed down. Right now I'm so confused and hurt because I really dont have ANYONE to turn to with this.

Ahh. If you read that whole thing then thanks so much. I guess I really needed to tell someone about it,and who better than the ladies at Specktra? Thanks again for atleast reading,guys. :]


Well-known member
This sounds rough! I hope things work out for you two!
Boys in college really can be confused and not know what they want unfortunately!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xXPeachy!Xx
He had called me the next day and said that he recieved some advice from his parents(whom I've never met) that went something along the lines of "You're young and you need to be free to experience things while you're in college." The first thing I asked him was if by other "things" he meant "girls" he said no,and I believe him because he's never been know to lie to me like that before.

While seeing other girls is not 100% of "young and expierence other things" I'm sure it was part of it, especially if he was getting advice from his Dad. Or if it was his Mom, and she doesn't approve


Well-known member
if he REALLY loved you , he wouldnt need time to figure out if he loved you or not. this is just my opinion hun but whatever the outcome, things will get better <3


Well-known member
i'm surprised to read that u guys have been dating & you never met his parents? wiered..r they in a different state ?counrty?


Well-known member
I understand how he feels..i mean i can kinda relate with the whole thing "u r supposed to do this (in college) ,but you want that" . may be he's confused because he should be having fun in college , but he's a step ahead (he doesn't know it) and with a girl he loves...
This doesn't mean he has a weak character; he's being honest and that takes a lot of guts! Give him time and a chance, but take this time for your own 'soul searching'!!!


Well-known member
I think that YOU should think about it too. Never make someone your priority is your only their option. If he needs to reconsider something, if he isnt sure now, how will he be sure then?
If you do happen to be pregnant you need to think about
the baby. Will he be there for him? HOw will this change your life?
how will it change his? will you tell your parents?

Its so much trouble to go through and if he loves you and is man enough he will.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's really crappy of him. While it sucks if he wants to not be in a relationship, it's really unfair of him to say that he wants to be with you yet wants this break or whatever it is. What does he think you're going to do, patiently wait while he does whatever he wants?

If you think you're pregnant, please take a pregnancy test. It's scary but you'll be able to deal with it if you know. Depending on where you are in the world, you have so many options of what you can do and now would be the time to try to figure that out.


Well-known member
Oh man, what a crappy situation. Definitely find out about the pregnancy first- if anything, just to know and get it off your mind or think in the right direction.

I think taking a break is fine when you're young and it sucks when both parties don't agree. However, there needs to be a defined is this a break from ME or a relationship? As in will you guys be dating other people? Don't let him dictate what you do, if he's going to be on a break - take one as well and reevaluate how you feel. Tell him exactly how you feel, that you don't think a break is necessary but if he is going to take one you are too and you may not come back (if that's the truth, it would have been for me).

Good luck, honey!


Well-known member
Hon I would honestly say that sometimes parents have a really big influence on a guy's life. i'll tell u one thing I have been with assholes, serious assholes no jokes there and the main reason they have broken up with me because one i said no to sex and second i ccannot stand any interference in my realtionships. So far I've been so unlucky and have dated complete and total mama boys and it's sucked for me because they brainwashed them against me saying that shes too controlling etc etc. but illl be honest Im possessive not controlling its just that sometimes parents feel that they are losing control over their "sons" to another girl...i hope ur getting what i mean hon:hugs: feel better hon