Another "does your MAC counter do this?" post


Well-known member
Refuse to let you return LE products once they are sold out? For example, if you buy an LE eyeshadow at 9 am, but if they sell out of it by noon, and you try to return it at 5 pm that night, they won't let you? I thought it was a standard 30 days no matter what, but not at my counter! What does your counter do?

P.S. This is at a counter, not a freestanding store or anything like that.


Well-known member
Whattttt!!??? That sounds so crazy!!! Why would they do that? I think that goes against their entire policy! I'd call/email MAC with a nice, big complaint but see if there is any MAC employees on here who could answer your question a bit better then me! LOL!!!!


Well-known member
I just did the same thing at my counter. I tried to exchange the 169 brush from Racquel col which is LE for a 188 brush. At first, I was told the same thing, that since it is LE, and I guess mainly because they are out of it, they said I can't return it and they don't have the code for it. I was almost ready to leave the counter not pleased when I asked the MA if I can get a number I can call to file a complaint. I was then directed to the manager who eventually helped me with the exchange. See I know they're not supposed to do that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by juicyaddict
I just did the same thing at my counter. I tried to exchange the 169 brush from Racquel col which is LE for a 188 brush. At first, I was told the same thing, that since it is LE, and I guess mainly because they are out of it, they said I can't return it and they don't have the code for it. I was almost ready to leave the counter not pleased when I asked the MA if I can get a number I can call to file a complaint. I was then directed to the manager who eventually helped me with the exchange. See I know they're not supposed to do that.

You can get really far when you threaten to make a complaint! It sounds to me like some lazy sales people who likely have a slightly more difficult task to do a resturn for a discontinued item. It's ridiculous though - a return policy is a return policy!


Well-known member
Um ok so I'm a MAC freelancer and I've only worked one day (second day on Friday yay!) and the counter I work at is sold out of EVERYTHING Barbie. A girl came in and wanted to return Moth Brown and it had the box and the Macy's sticker and it was no problem.

As a customer I've also never had this problem before. I would totally file a complaint if I were you ... it just seems like they didn't want the negative $$s for their counter.

I've seen customers return items that are half gone!!!


Well-known member
I have never heard of that....


Well-known member
Ok Ok... First off, why is everyone so quick to file a complaint? Before you attempt to do that I would first try to talk with the sales associate in a rational manner and point out that MAC has a 30 day return policy (regardless of an item being LE or not) and that as a customer (or frequent customer for that matter) you are entitled to return what you so wish. If the artist is still not meeting eye to eye with you I would simply request to speak to a manager (similar to what someone else on the thread had mentioned). A manager will not let a customer leave without being able to return something. This policy, from what I uderstand, is something that MAC stands behind. Therefore you, the consumer, should use your rights and return when you see fit. I, personally, have never had an issue returning items but I rarely return in the first place. Point being ladies, don't leave in a fuss! Someone else at the counter will be more than happy to help you and practice proper procedure...don't let one associate spoil your experience


Well-known member
Thanks everyone. I don't want to get my counter in trouble, as I love a lot of the people that work there, but I didn't think that was commonplace for MAC.


Well-known member
To add to what Veronika said - everyone here is so quick to file a complaint. It's really amazing. We are given a policy to follow from the management of our locations and we try to follow it. We are required to tell you the policy that they want us to tell you and if management wants to go against their own policy they have the ability to, NOT the sales associates. So if the manager of your counter decided for some reason to not want to do returns on LE things - the RA's can not override that. So yes - ask to speak to a manager and please stop thinking that the RA was just being 'lazy'.


Well-known member
I'm just wondering, if MAC has this return policy it so firmly stands behind, why does it NOT apply to Europe? I think this is really unfair. I've never been able to return products in Switzerland...even if they are totally unused!


Well-known member
In the UK, it is possible to return items as long as they are in the condition they were bought in i.e. BNIB. I think thats fine but I do try not to buy something I might want to return as I think thats not fair, especially when its LE, as they get destroyed when you return them.


Well-known member
Man, over here, we take back everything. We almost never say no.

But, I did refuse a return the other day (there was no receipt). A lady came in with a busted Studio Fix saying that she had just bought it and it "broke". The compact was pretty dirty. I opened the compact and the powder was crumbled, but it didn't look like the whole amount to me. So, I checked out the batch code in the back and it had been made early in 2005. There is no way a Studio Fix would have been sitting around at our counter for that long. So I told her that I can tell when the compact was made and that I can't, unfortunately take it back.

About the LE items, that's ridiculous. I have never heard that before.

This is a pet peeve of mine, but I kinda get annoyed when people say "It's not used" or "I didn't even open it" because it doesn't make a difference. If you walk away with it and bring it back, out it goes. There is a girl who comes to our counter every other day and buys and returns, buys and returns, buys and returns...grrrr.

It's not fair that MAC doesn't have a return policy in Europe. I think the return policy in North America is so customer friendly because of the high level of competition between markets. There is so much here to choose from that you have to have an incentive to keep customers coming back to your company. That's just the standard here, so most companies have to follow it.


Well-known member
as long as you have the box or the receipt, you should be able to return it. and if all else fails... that counter can actually call around to other stores to get the sku!!!
Next time that happens, ask for a manager


Well-known member
Us too...we take back everything-as long as they have a box & receipt.
The only exception to this being that the product is significantly used or if it was bought from a makeover.

And even then, or if they are missing the box/receipt-we will still exchange it.

The thing about the sku is complete BS...the sku's stay on file for like a year or something & if not, there is always a manager around who can override it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I'm just wondering, if MAC has this return policy it so firmly stands behind, why does it NOT apply to Europe? I think this is really unfair. I've never been able to return products in Switzerland...even if they are totally unused!

Im wondering about that too.. In here we cannot get a refund.. and for an exchange we must have the box + receipt & its only valid within like 13 or 14 days


Well-known member
Everyone is quick to complain, I agree... If everyone would actually call and COMPLIMENT your wonderful MAs or Stores/Counters as much as people want to complain the world would be a happy place!!

As far as I know, the return policy is the return policy that is printed on your receipt. I would ask customer service if you have any questions or have any weird issues like that...


Well-known member
They should be able to take something back especially if you have the box or the receipt. at Sephora, we can look up the sku on our website or have a manager search for it in the main database. if we dont find the sku (which happens a lot, some stores have exclusive products, ie Patternmaker=Nordstrom Exclusive) in which case we can't take it back because it won't register in our system...or it will ring up for .01 as the return value. Who wants to return something for a penny?

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