Another dress-makeup dilemma! Black dress with gold sequins...


New member
I'm not too good at this make-up this being relatively new and all
but I have a formal event to go to and have a black dress with gold sequins on it. It's a gorgeous dress but I'm not sure how to do my makeup. I was thinking of a smokey-eye/gold theme but not sure how to create. Any suggestions including product suggestion would be REALLY appreciated!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
If you have the smoking eyes quad, I think that would be perfect.

If not, I'd use retrospeck as a highlight, mulch in the crease and in the outer v, carbon to deepen the outer edge of the outer v and for lower lids and woodwinked on the lid. Dipdown fluidline or blacktrack would be good for eyeliner.

For blush, I'd recommend trace gold or sunbasque depending on your skin tone. Trace gold looks better on lighter skin tones but sunbasque is better for darker skin tones I think.

I'd go with a peachy nude lip. Maybe freckletone lipstick with wildly lush plushglass.