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Another Post :) Simple, smokey eye using only two eyeshadows - -


I remember a look you did aaaaages ago with blues and dark soul... it was just as gorgeous as this one

I love how you take your photographs as well.


Well-known member
The quality of your pictures are absolutely wonderful! They're super pretty. I love this look a lot, it definitely simplifies the "smokey" look, which is great. Thank you for sharing this with us!


Well-known member
I love this look sooo much. You can do so much with it, eventhough it is such a simple look. I just recreated it, but I used Blonde's Gold pigment instead of the Subtle pigment, since I don't have that one. Blonde's Gold worked really nicely for it too. I also used blacktrack as liner, just to make it a little more dramatic. Thanks for the inspiration!


Well-known member
I SO need to work on simplifying! I would've wasted a million brushes and shadows coming up with this lol


New member
Love this look! I did it with the soft ochre p/p and all that glitters e/s since I don't have any pigments. Turned out great!

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