Another retrofox $1000 haul (hk, look what you made me do)


Well-known member
thank you for the close up pics! I didnt really like any of the colors, but wanted an eyeshadow quad just because it was l/e, your pics made up my mind for me (I don't live near a mac counter and have to order online) sometimes it is such surprise ordering online, colors are never what they seem! soooo...I'm off to order now!


Well-known member
I just showed my husband the first picture and asked him how much he thought all that cost. He went "WHOA! $180?" I just blinked and then started laughing hysterically. Maybe I should let him think it only cost $180, that way he will think my hauls are even cheaper!


Haha my boyfriend thought it bought it all, and i spent (only?) $400 on HK. Poor boy. Especially cause it is on his credit card....


Well-known member
That is some intense haulage!! thanks for these close up pics.. makes me see that I don't want anything from hello kitty... whats wrong with me? Well except for fresh brew.
good job!


Well-known member

The Brush Set...

so here's my take: LOVE the cup, hate the brushes. The cup looks like a plastic cheap cup but its actually smooth hard plastic that feels is kinda heavy. It looks like it would fall over if you put full size brushes in it, but I put all 10 of my full size brushes in it (4 are face brushes) and it didn't even budge! The brushes on the other hand are horrible.




Now, for those of you wanting to buy this set for the 187, DON'T! spend your money one the real thing cuz this is only the 187se duofiber (which means the white and black bristles are together, not seperate like the real 187). All together, these brushes feel cheep and I won't be using them, BUT I do l o v e my brush holder and will be using this to store my brushes! Hope this helped!

The part where you say the 187SE is duofiber and not seperate like the real 187. what exactly do you mean because the full size 187 brush is also duofiber?


Enjoy your haul!

Pictures are soo nice -- eye candies for today!

I read that HK brushes are not that nice -- is that true?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melissy

The part where you say the 187SE is duofiber and not seperate like the real 187. what exactly do you mean because the full size 187 brush is also duofiber?

I guess I call it a duofiber brush because the instead of having to different kinds of fibers used (like in the real 187 brush), there's only one used (making it a two-in-one fiber). The fibers in the 187se hk brush are just the same: 3/4 black and the last 1/4 end is white instead of having separate black fibers and separate white fibers. Hope I explained that well enough!