Anti-Glare Coating on Glasses?


Well-known member
Hi there,

So I went to the eye-doc yesterday, and had to get new glasses. And was gently scolded for not wearing my old ones. (This is a game I have been playing for 20 years).

So, I'm commiting to wearing my new sexy specs.

My question/poll is should I get the anti-glare coating? My former pair has it, and it makes me crazy, cause they always are dirty, no matter how often I clean them!!! argh!


Well-known member
I paid like $200 a pair for these extra-special anti-reflective thing for both my regular and sun glasses. They said it would help with my migraines...and honestly, I don't notice any bit of difference than my last pair (which didn't have the coating). If I could have returned them, I would have (maxed out my damn credit card for those glasses).

The scratch-proof coating is worth it though.


Well-known member
the anti glare formula make scratches really easily theyve reformulated it now so its alot better but still scratches fairly easy.


Originally Posted by lara
Totally worth it.

Agree. I bought my husband new glasses b/c I wanted our wedding pics to turn out good without the glare from his glasses screwing them up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mskitchmas
Really? why?

Because I wear my glasses at all times bar sleeping and bathing, and not having glare headaches is worth the inital outlay. I also work under strong lights, front and back, so I don't want to have glare and reflections messing up my colour perception or flaring back and altering my ability to gauge light levels. Same goes for when I'm at the computer.

I also get photographed a lot, and like SqueakDance said, you don't want flash-black from the lenses to appear in a photograph.

I have coated and uncoated glasses, and I've never noticed my coated glasses scratching more. If anything, my uncoated house glasses are a scratched up mess and my anti-glare working glasses are still in good condition.


Well-known member
i never thought it was worth until my optie talked me into it on my newest pair of glasses.

the difference is very noticable, and it means i wear my glasses a bit more often. i still prefer my good old contacts though.

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