Any Austin ladies up for Sex and the City?


Well-known member

I'd love to meet up with Austin area ladies who would like to go see the new SATC movie. We can be fabulous and do cocktails and dessert after the show. My schedule is pretty open so if you're all interested let's get something together!


Well-known member
I just come back from the movie!! I watched it with my girls. The movie is wonderful, you will laugh, maybe cry, you will grumble and you will applaud.
Watch it and enjoy it!!


Well-known member
Boo, I soo would if I lived in Austin!! I'm going out with a bunch of gals to see it tomorrow, I live INNN the cityy!! lol New York that is.


Well-known member
Hey girl!

I'm going to the matinee tomorrow at the Alamo on Anderson; the 3pm show. Already bought my ticket, so feel free to join me if you want!