Any dream interpreters around? (heavy stuff)


Well-known member
So I had this awful dream this morning that my mother was killed. I never actually saw my mom's body or saw her killed. But my dream went in these weird sequences. I dreamed that a cop came to the door and told me and my dad...then I dreamed about all the relatives/neighbors coming over to give condolences...then I dreamed about her funeral, which was the longest sequence. I saw a closed casket, flowers, crying family members, and could vividly hear people remembering my mother, and my dad sobbing out of control, I could literally feel him shaking. Then I had another sequence about the aftermath, where my dad eats himself obese out of depression, I end up taking over her place because he can't get out of bed, and the whole time, in every sequence, I was crying. When I woke up this morning, I felt like I was still apart of the dream, I was walking up and down the house crying and still dreaming it. When I woke up and saw that my half-asleep dream was in synch with what I was doing and where I was in the house, I couldn't hear anything so I screamed for my mom. I couldn't stop crying or shaking, and I've been off and on hyperventilating since (about a half an hour ago)
What the hell does that mean?! And she's been working on a new life insurance policy from her job this week and talking to me about what would happen and how I'd be taken care of should she pass?
I can't say I know that my mom is or is not gonna die, but I'm hoping that this dream wasn't some sort of twisted vision of something to come. I've always heard that dreams don't mean what they literally display, so maybe someone can help me out on this, it's totally freaking me out...


Well-known member
This could be helpful...

I used to interpret my dreams based on a "dream dictionary" but try not to anymore since I read this.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
And she's been working on a new life insurance policy from her job this week and talking to me about what would happen and how I'd be taken care of should she pass?

I wouldn't read to much into it other than the fact that you love your Mom and dont want her to pass away. Dreams are not messages from the future. Thats just a manifestation of your subconchious thoughts on the current subject you've been dealing with. AKA, thinking about your Mom passing, because of her current dealings with Life Insurance, and including you on the matter. You dreams are just saying what you verbally dont want to say/talk about due to the nature of the subject.

If you want then to "mean" something. Look at it as your subconchious telling you that this is something you obviously need to talk about with your Mom. Tell her how you feel, cry about it, tell her your love her, etc. It's perfectly ok.
She will understand.


Well-known member
you might want to talk to your mom about the insurance thing, tell her that you aren't comfortable talking about what would happen if she were to pass in the near future, because it's clearly doing a number on your sub concious.

dreams are often meant as alarms. they're your sub concious mind telling you that there's a problem that you need to solve, and soon.


Well-known member
Hon, usually when u dream of a death that means that a person is going to live a very long life. So if i were u i wouldn't worry


Active member
Aw hun.
I've had nightmares like that too. Don't scare yourself. Maybe her talking to you about the new life insurance policy, and her discussing those things with you just stayed in your subconscious... and since you love/care/worry about your Mom, you had that terrible dream. The subconscious is very powerful, and scary things especially tend to stick themselves in there. Dreams usually tend to be a product of that - thoughts that we maybe don't address in our waking life. I wouldn't overanalyze it though, and if you did want to look into an interpretation (if you feel that the dream wasn't caused by subconsious thoughts/worries), dreaming of death doesn't indicate a death occuring in your waking life/future. Maybe you could talk to your Mom about how you feel when she discusses those things with you, and tell her that you aren't ready to talk about those things.


Well-known member
Thanks, it just shook me, I've never had such a realistic dream. And she always jokes about who gets her diamonds if she passes, and she's always like "If something were to ever happen to me...." and it just hits me a little close to home. Our neighbor died just recently, and he was about twice as old as my mother, so it was simply just his time, and I think that's affecting her as well as me.
Thanks for the reassuring thoughts, I knew it wasn't a vision of my mom dying but jesus it scared me so bad.


Well-known member
Usually dreams are nothing more than the subconsious trying to solve problems of the conscious. And many time they are symbols or representatives of something rather than the actual person.

But anyway-what I get from the dream is that there is a part of your life or yourself that is dead. It just went poof and died. It's actually a sign of growing up when you have dreams like that because it's showing you through your dream the necessary actions you must take and what basically is happening.

So it's probably telling you you need to be a lot more responsible (even you already are very responsible)
It's probably telling you to watch out for your family (with the situation with your dad in the dream)
and it's probably letting you know that a piece of youth is now past.

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