Any good book suggestions?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vivalamac
White Oleander is one of my favorites

I liked that one as well, been a long time since I read it... never did see the movie, hehe.

I always walk by the book table at Costco to browse titles/authors. Anyway, a month or so ago, I saw 'Janet Finch' and thought "Oh yeah, White Oleander" and the novel sitting there was "Paint it Black". It's still in the mountain of unread books in our bedroom, so can't actually recommend it just yet.


Active member
I always walk by the book table at Costco to browse titles/authors. Anyway, a month or so ago, I saw 'Janet Finch' and thought "Oh yeah, White Oleander" and the novel sitting there was "Paint it Black". It's still in the mountain of unread books in our bedroom, so can't actually recommend it just yet.

I actually started reading "Paint it Black" and it is so dark and depressing as well as SLOW, I just gave up!! I figured I would like it because I couldn't put "White Oleander" down, but it isn't anything like that. Very slow and gloomy!


Active member
I am reading "Love in the time of Cholera" right now, it is a little slow right now, but hopefully will get better


New member
I like the same type of books as you and I've just found an author called Cody McFayden who's pretty good


Well-known member
Any book by Mitch Albom:

Tuesdays with Morrie
Five People You Meet in Heaven
For one More Day

His books are semi short so from the beginning it does not seem like it will be forever but they all are about life lessons.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vivalamac
I am reading "Love in the time of Cholera" right now, it is a little slow right now, but hopefully will get better

I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. I read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and it felt like it took me one hundred years to get through it. The most painful read I've ever had. I wonder if part of my sheer disappointment with this novel has to do with the translation from his native Spanish into English... or if it's just dull in any language.

Thanks for the fair warning on "Paint it Black". Maybe I'll wait until summer to read this in hopes that reading in the sunshine will somehow make it less depressing.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I recommend these books

Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx - it is so good to read and there are some amazing graphic work inside the book, I recommend the soundtrack to go with it. It's surreal

Slash autobiography - another great book to read about ex Guns N Roses member

The Dirt: Motley Crue - I just started reading this book, and it's pretty awesome so far


Active member
I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. I read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and it felt like it took me one hundred years to get through it. The most painful read I've ever had. I wonder if part of my sheer disappointment with this novel has to do with the translation from his native Spanish into English... or if it's just dull in any language.

hahahaha I figured, I really want to like it though because it has gotten so many good reviews, I mean it won a Pulitzer Prize so you would think it would be decent. I dunno


Well-known member
Salt: A World History. The history of salt, far more interesting than it sounds.

A World Lit Only By Fire. A look at Medieval Europe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by threelittlebirds
I loooove Middlesex by Eugenides. It is so beautifully written, and I really have a thing for atypical characters in books. It is a strange and compelling tale but if you're more of a conservative thinker, you may want to shy away from it.

I am also a devout Haruki Murakami fan (I pretty much worship the guy). He is a Japanese author -- fiction that is humorous, enlightening, sci-fi, romantic, erotic all in one. I hope I am not hyping him up too much but his books are incredible. His most popular novel is Norwegian Wood, but a good starter might be a short story book, like The Elephant Vanishes or Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman.

I second both suggestions, Middlesex is beautiful, and Murakami is great as well. I love Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, the language is so beautiful! Also Red Dragon and the rest of the Hannibal books by Thomas Harris are wonderful. Oh and The Lovely Bones!


Well-known member
ALL Harry Potter books! They are a vacation on paper! Contrary to popular belief they are NOT just for children! My fave books of ALL time!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I suggest this book:


It is so good, I can't put it down willingly, I'm always wanting to read what happened next, there's so much real life drama, crime, rises and falls, addictions, marraiges etc... It is fantastic to read.

plus it has pictures too


Well-known member
I definitely second Lolita, and pretty much any book by Nabokov. Lolita is amazing, to think that English wasn't at all his mother tongue is crazy. His use of a language foreign to him, his grasp of it, was greater than many people who speak English as a first language. I could gush for hours, he's one of my favorite authors.

Also, in regards to Lolita particularly, don't be scared off by what the name has come to represent. It's not at all a lascivious read. I can't recommend it highly enough, to everyone I know who wants a book rec.

Right now, I'm reading A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. It's quite funny so far, and light and easy to digest without feeling too...popcorn? I'm not finished by any means, and it's a bit of a long read, but it's very good so far.

If you're a fan of Dean Koontz, am I right to assume you like horror? I'm only familiar with a few of his books, and they're all in the suspense vein, but I know he's quite prolific so it might be that he has written in many genres...In any case, if you DO like horror, Bentley Little is a great author for that sort of story. His short story anthology, The Collection, is my favorite example of his work. Granted though, I love short stories, they go with my attention span I suppose.

I hope you find a few great books to get into!


Well-known member
I just ordered these books from Amazon:





I can't wait for them arrive!!

Anyone else reading anything good lately?