Any good book suggestions?


Well-known member
I actually got a ton of the books recommended on here, and loved most of them! Here are some of my own faves:
-I have to cast another vote for White Oleander. I read it 17 times, it actually fell apart from me reading it over and over. It has completely changed my style of writing..such a beautiful, beautiful book.
-The Kiterunner - beautiful and sad.
-It's Kind of a Funny Story - a funny and poignant look at a boy suffering with chronic depression. Amazing.
-The Serial Killer's Club -I adore books about serial killers (you name it, I've read it), and this one is a really funny take on the concept of writing about them.
-Blindness - Wicked plot.
-The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood is one of my favorite authors, and this book is a story inside a story inside a story. (Read her poem, Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing - my all time favorite piece of poetry).
-Anything by Chuck Palahniuk, Tom Harris, or Stephen King. My favorite twisted, disturbing writers. I've read every single one of Stephen King's books. Haunted by Chuck has THE single most disgusting, disturbing story I've ever read in my life. It's a short story called Guts. UGH, it's hard to get through, and after..well, let's just say certain body parts will ache. I cannot stress how awful this story is, and how much you have to read it just to see if you can

That's all I can think of off the top of my head..I read so much (Mom's a librarian, I'm sure you can imagine), I'll add more when I think of them!
I am reading We Need to Talk About Kevin right now and it's great.

One of my all time favourites is, She's Come Undone. I haven't read it for a long time but it's one I plan on picking up again soon.

Thanks for all of the great suggestions!