any ideas?


okay so,
carnaval is coming up.[here it's just a dress up party and having a blast]
So i'm going to be a fairy kinda.

Yesterday i bought blue jewel and i want to do something nice with this and i have a very few other colors
but since makeup is wicked expensive here and i started collecting[again] only 2/3 months ago i only ownnn this by mac:
Blue jewel
body shop:
Peacock Green
Golden Paprika
and by clinique:
black velvet
also i'm going to buy diamonds
and besides this
i have a gold, pink and green glitter roller

any ideas how i could do my eye makeup?

ps. sorry if I posted this at the wrong place.

ps2. i forgot to add that i have different kohlpencils and a black fluidliner.


Well-known member
Be a water fairy!

How about:

Take blue jewel from lashline to crease. Really pack on the color.

Then use Swan lake as your highlight color but just apply that really sheerly.

Use Peacock Green on the outer third of your eye again just packing on the color.

Use Black Velvet in the crease and under the lashline

Then use a black e/l and line your lashes

If you can get some black e/l tightlines that would be great too.

Get a bright blue e/l (MAC Blue peep if you have it? Or any blue) and line your lower water line with it.

False lashes are a must (if you have them or get your lashes thick and long!)

and with your diamonds (are those the face jewels? Because if they are...) Apply one on the inner corner of your eye, apply another on the outer corner of your eye

Then with the green glitter roller apply it all over your eye to sparkle.

Yeah I dunno if it will work but thats the only idea i could come up with


Ill try that later tonight
my mom has some light blue color haha i'll just steal that.

and yes i was talking about face jewels.