I would suggest that u try out anything that u like, but don't buy too many at one time. Then u'll have more experience in choosing the products that suit u the most. I'm also an NC 20, for blush I think Pinch O Peach is a pretty color ( I actually like Nars blushes better).
e/s lol I never feel like owning enough e/s, u can pick out 1 or 2 things for each shade ( neutral, purple, blue, green...) so that u have a wide range and u can expand them any time if u feel like u need more. For neutral I like Vanilla, Kid, Woodwinked. Purple e/s (my favorite): beautiful iris, nocturnelle, shale, crystal, seedy pearl... Pink e/s: Pink freeze, Expensive pink....Blue e/s: electric eel, sky blue (pro e/s), flashtrack, aquadisiac...Green e/s: swimming, bio green (pro e/s), bitter, greensmoke...
I'm recently addicted to lipsticks, my favorite are Angel, Lovelorn, Snob, Eager, Myth. Lipglosses: oyster girl, underage. Plushglass: Ample pink, Big baby. Lipgelee: Lilacrush....
Phew lol