Any such thing to whiten eyes?


Well-known member
The whites of my eyes are not so white. My eye doctor said its nothing to worry about but years of sailing in the bright sun have given me yellowed protein deposits on either side of the iris of both eyes.

Anyone ever heard of anything that can clear these up, or lighten them? I know its a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyway.


Well-known member
Yes, there actually is, but I would ask my eye doctor what he thinks about the product... because while I like the idea of whiter eyes, it scares me how it is actually supposed to work? I like my vision LOL
I think I saw something like this either at or (they both send out catalogs and I swear one had this eyedrop whitener type product)
Oh, just found it.. at :
Collyre Bleu Eyelights by Verseo

or google search for that. Never tried it, but was shopping anyways, so you lucked out LOL



Well-known member
they also have them at camera ready cosmetics' website but i've never tried them...I'm with tiramisu, I'd be too nervous to use them. I'll stick to visine, but it is an intriguing product.


Well-known member
It looks like the Blue eye drops act like Visine on steroids, basically shrinking the capillaries in the sclera (whites) to make the redness disappear. Unfortunately this wont work on the yellow deposits but I guess Visine or something similar couldn't hurt to brighten things up a bit.

Thanks everyone.


Well-known member
Please, everyone who has to go outside, get 100 percent UV protection for eyewear. (not just dark shades) In time, cataracts build up on the eye-which are preventable-and caused by sun damage. The cataracrs cause loss of vision and sometimes blindness.


Well-known member
I had a similar problem (altho I live in Scotland! not known for it's sunshine..), but then it turned into a bloodshot area in the same place. Mine is apparently due to having very dry eyes, and I find that if I use moisturising eye drops it gets a bit better.

I don't think they recommend using whitening drops all the time...but check with your eye doctor..


Well-known member
What works for redness doesn't work for yellowy deposits in the eye. You just have to wear eyeprotection and draw attention away from the sclera. If you look at adult eyes of any population of people around the globe, its quite common.