Anyone else feel like MAC is really for under 30 crowd?


Well-known member
I just turned 35 and love to wear MAC. I believe that you're never too old to wear make-up, you just have to know what suits you or not. MAC has so much variety in color, that there's always something for everybody.

When I'm browsing at the counter I always see plenty of women who are into their 40's and 50's who are interested in e/s and lipsticks, and the SA's (most of them well into their 30's) are always very willing to give them advice.

I can honestly say that I have been treated better at the MAC counter than I have been treated by some snobby SA's at high end counters like Chanel, Dior and EL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
MAC doesn't necessarily = wild crazy makeup and colors.
Every collection has something for almost everyone.

ITA with this! I'm 51 and I just pick and choose from various collections. For me the appeal is mostly about the variety MAC has to offer.


Well-known member
Everytime I go to my local MAC counter I'd say there is always a vast age range of customers. You're never too old to wear makeup and to look good. At MAC you know you're going to get a product that works. I like that MAC MA's are honest and give advice you can trust, if you ask them which colour suits you better they will tell you. No matter how young or old you are!

I'm only young and I do think MAC has some really different and fashionable colours but at the same time their golds/browns/neutrals are equally as gorgeous but more mature maybe at the same time. My Mum is 52 (she does look more like 42 though, obviously nature has been kind to her) and she always says how much she likes their foundations and eyeshadows. I got her Plush Lash for Christmas and again she loves it because it can create a natural although striking look.

It's all about playing colours and products to suit I guess.


Well-known member
You should see a friend of mine with her 77 years old wearing makeup. You won't believe it when she says the real age because she looks like 57.
Her secret: makeup (for example: only matte eyeshadows to lift the eyes, she said she can't wear shimmer e/s because really accentuate the wrinkles) and above all, she tries to be in a nice mood even when life is not fair.
So, I just don't think you are enough old to do anything, in this specific case with makeup.


(Sorry dear if my English sounds weird, it’s not my first language and it’s kind of rusted)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
MAC doesn't necessarily = wild crazy makeup and colors.
Every collection has something for almost everyone.

That's very true



Well-known member
From a marketing standpoint, I do think they tend to go for a younger, more "hip" crowd. However, what I do respect is there ability to cater to older women with certain colors and products (the Icon lines are perfect examples) and I do think that in almost every collection, there is something for older women-well, maybe not C-Shock, but I don't want to start on a tangent. Overall, I think their color selection is wide enough to cover all ages, though I think there are definently lines out there that are geared to an older woman's palette.


Well-known member
my mom is 57 and she just got into mac and she loves it! she wears the neutral colours and doesn't have any problems finding new stuff she likes.



Well-known member
My mom is 49 and she wears Mac, Too Faced, Urban Decay.. ect, all the "younger" brands. Like everyone else said.... Makeup can be worn at any age! I love how my mom wears the same kind of makeup as me.... we go makeup shopping together!


I am 56 and have been wearing MAC for at least 10 years. I have never felt like I was being treated as someone's grandma at any MAC counter or store. I honestly feel that they are not discriminating towards age, gender or race. They have products and colors that take everyone in consideration.


Well-known member
The coolest MA I ever saw was a woman in her fifties, maybe even early sixties, who worked at a MAC counter at what was then Marshall Fields in a Minneapolis suburb. She had grey hair and was a bit zaftig, but she wore the clothes, the makeup, the jewelry with the same confidence and spirit as the younger MAs. She looked amazing!

It's not about age---it's about attitude!

Great thread! (BTW, I'm 48 and totally rocking MAC.)


Well-known member
Just to add to the mountain of support here, I'm 45 and share The Beautiful Obsession. I'm so glad I found MAC!


Well-known member
I'm only 26, and while I think MAC is for all ages, there are some colors/textures that I think is too young for even my age. I think as I get older, my color spectrum will definitely narrow a bit to the neutrals, plums, browns...etc. (I'm Asian).


Active member
41 is not old!!! when you hit 70 that is old!!
just go there and buy any thing you like and have fun !!!


Well-known member
I'm in my 30s and I love my Mac. My natural tendency is minimal to neutral makeup and they have plenty of stuff for my tastes but what I really love is Mac has also opened my eyes to try colours I used to shy away from and to just have fun with makeup!

And as for age, it is so true, the saying - it's nothing but a number. My mother is almost 60 and she's been wearing red l/s all her life. She was my inspiration when I decided to buy my first red l/s.


Well-known member
I think MAC can tend to seem like it's catering to the younger crowd with some of the brighter colored collections, but I have to agree with an earlier post that said the icon collections are great for catering the more sophisticated looks. However, I think there are some sophisticated looks to be had with the bright colors too. It's just a matter of personal preference. There was a beautiful older african american woman on the bus the other day rocking a bright pastel pink. She had to be pushing 50. So I say, rock out with what you love and who cares what everyone else thinks!


Well-known member
I don't know if I can add much to the wonderful things that have already been said. I believe ATTITUDE is the best beauty enhancer of all. It can make or break you no matter how young or old you are.

I got into MAC several years ago when I felt old and frumpy. I had just left a domestic violence situation and was now a single parent to two children. I stopped by a counter and was just browsing when a wonderful MA there asked if I had time to sit for him as he had a new e/s combo he was dying to try on someone. I was 36 and felt 76 and probably looked it too. When I told this wonderful MA that I had never felt beautiful in my entire life he took it upon himself to change that. And he did. Since then I frequent that counter on a regular basis. All the MAs know me and they all bring a special "look" or new trick or product for me to try. And it is based on ME, not my age or how they think a woman my age should look.

I am 42 now although I've been told I look much younger. I wear whatever appeals to me. Through MAC and Specktra I've learned to make the most of myself and my "obsession". LOL So go out and find what you love and what works for you. And don't forget to rock your MAC ATTITUDE.


Hmmm... 41 is not old at all.

The thing is that you have to feel good and comfortable with your make up on. As long as you like what you see when you´re looking into the mirror after applying your make up, everything is fine.

An the great thing about MAC is that you can find colours for every look that´s possible. Be it the subdued, classic business look or the colourful excentric look. An everything in beetween or beyond.


thanks you guys you've made me feel better.
I think I'm drawn to MAC even though obviously slighly embarrased about my obssession because the SA's are so nice. They all know me now when they see me at their counter and say hi even if they're helping someone else. I went to Elizabeth Arden counter last year and bought some foundation if it could be called that and the SA acted like I was bothering her. Perhaps thats why i keep going back to MAC.
Sigh,.... I'd love to work there....

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