Anyone else here "afraid" to use their makeup?


Well-known member
Use your pretty makeup! You wouldn't want the lip products to go bad, esp. the lip glosses. That would make them sad.

If you use all the products in the Jewel palattes up, you can maybe take the little inserts out and use the empty palatte as a credit card/ID holder! If you are feeling really saucy, line it with a fabulous fabric.


Well-known member
i know what you mean. i bought the temperly pallete... i love it and want to use it, but i also want to keep it in mint condition. i've had it for about 3 weeks & haven't touched it yet. i think when it comes to LE stuff, it just takes me awhile, but eventually i dive into it & it's so much fun!!


Well-known member
i'm like that w/all of my makeup! don't want to use it up 'cause it looks so pretty! i need to get over myself and just dive in.


Active member
Add another chicken to the list. I have Playboy lipsticks that I can't force myself to use because they are just too cute.

Ms.MaryMac, your idea with the Jewel palettes is a good one. I wonder if I could do something like that with my Rock It! palette. Hmmm, now to get myself to start using them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Christi239
Add another chicken to the list. I have Playboy lipsticks that I can't force myself to use because they are just too cute.

heh me too...cant use the glitter cream either cause of the bunny on it :p

Im like that with palettes also. I wont touch them until I have to, or REALLY feel the need to. The jewel, gem and crystal ones I do use though cause I LOVE the colors. But my elli saab oscar palette hasnt been touched, and I got it like 6months ago..

Lipglosses you cant get me home without me putting at least 3 on..Im really obsessive about my lips though :x


Well-known member
im kinda like that, but im REALLLY anal of how my makeup is brushed - like eyshadows i do circular motions or small strokes i never ever dig, blushes and pressed powder the same. if i have a palette of lipstick i go crazy and always have to do this squiggle down the center to keep them clean looking and every week or two i clean all my items to keep them looking new. i hate dirty makeup * my collection is flawlessly clean and sterile * and with lipsticks i hate messy rims so i take a cotton swap and gently clean them up after every use in the house, and i never ever let anyone else touch my makeup unless they have permission


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac

If you use all the products in the Jewel palattes up, you can maybe take the little inserts out and use the empty palatte as a credit card/ID holder! If you are feeling really saucy, line it with a fabulous fabric.

what a fantastic idea-ive got no excuse now lol


Well-known member
I'm posting here because I'm reformed! Yes, girls it can be done! My mum was even worse

I used to keep things and only use them on special occasions, but that's just silly! Duh, good things are given to you to enjoy! So bearing that in mind I do now use things a lot more.

But palettes I do still find hard to use! I have some, thinking they'd be convenient but because they're stored away I always seem to forget the colours I could use in them. I've since decided it's a bit pointless for me to buy palettes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Glamourpusskitty
I'm a little weird when it comes to using my makeup too, I love the way a product looks when its brand new and untouched so for a while I will only allow myself to admire it in its pot/box. It seems to be that I need to get a new product to admire before I will allow myself to use the one I bought previously.

I totally agree!Although it takes me years to use anything up,as I have a quite big stash and I try to rotate things!


Well-known member
I thought i was the only one! Yay for our wierd cult! Lol.

I hate spoiling them but love using new things so i use them VERY neatly, brushing eyeshadow on the edges only (though i'm starting to think it'd look neater in long run if i brush all round the circle and keep it even). Also when i first get something i keep it in the prestine black box and take it out to use and put it back each time to make it feel more 'special' until i get to a point where i'm in a rush and put the box away (i don't throw them away though!).

I only have UD pallettes which are really pretty and i use them very sparingly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jillith
Enjoy it, you only live once! And it takes quite awhile to use something up, for me at least, because i contstantly rotate colors.

very true hunny. oh. and after you use your stuff, you can even save the container / box / whatever it came in! i save all of my cute perfume bottles, cute lip gloss tubes & empty cute lip pallettes. oh goodness. but, thats a clutter factor. oh well. i just dont tell my parents whats in "that drawer". they'd throw it away! theres no use for empty stuff. but, i love to look at it.

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